
bīng guàn
  • ice cap
冰冠[bīng guàn]
  1. 冰冠被深深的波谷和坑洞所切开;

    The ice cap is cut by deep troughs and chasms ;

  2. 火星北半球的冰冠几乎被宏伟的博勒拉峡谷一劈为二。

    The northern ice cap on Mars is nearly divided into two by a huge division named Chasma Boreale .

  3. 这可能导致地球冰冠融化。

    This could cause the ice caps to melt .

  4. 南部冰冠比北部冰冠要小的多。

    The southern cap is significantly smaller than the northern one .

  5. 这可能会导致南北极冰冠的融化。

    This might result in the melting of the polar ice caps .

  6. 它也有空气、季节和独特的极地冰冠。

    It has an atmosphere , seasons , and distinctive polar ice caps .

  7. 否认气候变化的阵营缩小得比极地冰冠还快。

    The pool of climate-change deniers has shrunk faster than the polar caps .

  8. 尤伯和她的同事也分析了火星上要大得多的北部极地冰冠。

    Zuber and her colleagues also analyzed Mars 's much larger northern polar cap .

  9. 还有些存在于南部极地冰冠中一但不会太多。

    And some may exist in the southern polar cap & but not much .

  10. 那时,极地冰冠已经融化,地球上到处都覆盖着水&除水以外没有其它东西。

    The polar ice caps have melted and Earth has flooded-there is nothing but water .

  11. 所以玩家想尝试冰冠城塞副本的英雄难度就必须打通每一个普通难度。

    So players must master every normal difficulty encounter in Icecrown Citadel before attempting Heroic difficulty .

  12. 大而扁平状的冰冠称作冰架,它们漂浮在南极洲周边的水域中。

    Large , flat sheets of the icecap called ice shelves float in water near Antarctica .

  13. 我将会在时机降临时加入攻打冰冠城塞的最后一战。

    I will join in the assault upon Icecrown Citadel when the time to strike upon us .

  14. 南极洲的冰冠是由冰和雪组成的厚层,它覆盖了南极洲的大部分。

    The Antarctica icecap is a thick layer of ice and snow that buries most of the continent .

  15. 冰冠西北小岛附近海域的鲨鱼已经从之前的庞然巨物回到了现在的尺寸。

    Ravenous Jaws off the coast of Icecrown grew strangely large and have been returned to their normal size .

  16. 关于冰冠堡也没有太多的信息,主要是我们还是只有一部分的设计构想。

    Don 't know about Icecrown , mostly we 've just got a ton of concept art floating around .

  17. 有趣的是,按照定义,冰川期是指南北两极冰冠都有冰雪覆盖的时期,当下就是如此。

    Interesting fact , an ice age is defined when both polar caps are covered in ice , like now .

  18. 北部冰冠的含水量只不过是注满一个远古海洋所需水量的1/10。

    The northern cap contains no more than one tenth the amount of water needed to fill an ancient ocean .

  19. 如果不停止对臭氧层的破坏的话,南北两极的冰冠就可能会融化而带来可怕的后果。

    Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped , the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences .

  20. 那里有数不尽的世界之最两极冰冠共储藏有地球上近80%的淡水

    They are places of superlatives . From ice caps that hold nearly 80 % of our planet 's fresh water

  21. 灰白裁决将给于参与进攻冰冠城塞的玩家物资和人力增援,但这些补给并不是无限制的。

    The Ashen Verdict provides reinforcements and material for players to assault Icecrown Citadel , but this support is not endless .

  22. 这幅是1993年冰冠的样子,而这幅是2000年的样子,才过去了7年。

    This is how it looked in 1993 . And this is how it looked just 7 years later in 2000 .

  23. 猩红大厅(25人模式)-25人模式下,击败冰冠城塞猩红大厅里的所有首领。

    The Crimson Hall ( 25 player ) - Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in25-player mode .

  24. 加尼福利亚,利弗莫尔&种一棵树以阻止海平面的上升、冰冠融化及飓风增强?

    LIVERMORE , Calif. & Can planting a tree stop the sea level from rising , the ice caps from melting and hurricanes from intensifying ?

  25. 这联军中最强的战士,与联盟和部落的勇士,将率众人向冰冠的挑战。

    The strongest combatants of this coalition , along with the champions of the Alliance and Horde , will lead the charge against the citadel .

  26. 如今,冰冠要塞,天灾力量的基石和巫妖王的根据地,是他们最终的目标。

    Now Icecrown Citadel , the cornerstone of the Scourge 's power and the home base of the Lich King , is their final target .

  27. 玩家将战场从尖啸海湾和北风苔原的海岸巫妖王的军队,他在冰冠城权力席位。

    Players will battle the Lich King 's army from the shores of Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra to the seat of his power in Icecrown .

  28. 玩家不应总是担心自己的装备是否已经到了急速、暴击上限,而且确实在冰冠城塞的开始阶段也不会再有这方面的问题。

    Players should not ideally be worried about hitting the haste and crit caps ever , and certainly not at the very beginning of Icecrown Citadel .

  29. 冰冠城塞被分成四个独立的区域:尖顶下层,瘟疫工事,赤红大厅和霜翼大厅。

    Icecrown Citadel is going to be broken up into four distinct sections : The Lower Spire , Plagueworks , Crimson Hall , and Frostwing Halls .

  30. 这一点能从过去10多年来美国宇航局卫星“地球资源卫星”拍下的许多冰冠图像中看出。

    This can be seen in pictures that the NASA satellite Landsat has been taking of the mountain 's ice cap for more than a decade .