
  • 网络Donald Trump
  1. 他们把她与不同的男人扯上关系,包括大亨唐纳德·特朗普。

    They 've linked her with various men , including magnate Donald Trump .

  2. 而另一边,美国电视主持人兼房地产大亨&唐纳德·特朗普(donaldtrump)在推特上表示,梅耶尔女士的做法合情合理,应该让雅虎员工来工作场所工作,而不是在家。

    On the other side , Donald Trump , an American television showman and property magnate , tweeted that Ms Mayer was right to expect Yahoo employees to come to the workplace vs. working at home .

  3. 首先是唐纳德·特朗普,他既是商业大亨又兼任制作人,迷人的发型为他平添不少魅力。

    First there was Donald Trump , a businessman-cum-impresario with a fascinating hairdo .

  4. 尽管加州小姐卡莉·普乐金反对同性婚姻,唐纳德·特朗普还是为这位小姐辩护了。

    Donald Trump came to the defense of Miss California , Carrie Prejean , despite her opposition to same-sex marriage .

  5. 或者把书和性格类型配对:比如《生命之歌》给正在崭露头角的唐纳德·特朗普,《罪与罚》给刚出道的康拉德·布莱克。

    Or pairing books with personality types : Apologia Pro Vita Sua for a budding Donald Trump and Crime and Punishment for a budding Conrad Black .