
Tang once said many students spent much time on games and QQ with their smartphones .
Tang Jun resigns is afterwards Duan Yongji resigns sina president , Shang Meijuan leaves after TOM group , happen inside a week of Chinese IT industry again the high level is fluctuant .
Tang answered the questions briefly and walked off .
Fang Zhouzi questioned Tang 's PhD diploma at the California Institute of Technology .
Tang of having falsely claimed to have earned a doctorate from the California Institute of Technology .
He outed Tang Jun , former president of Microsoft China , for making false claims about his academic qualifications .
We believe a new management team led by Tianqiao Chen and Jun Tang will prepare Sina for the next decade .
But Mr Tang said that under current Chinese law Mr Chen was not required to pay tax on his share sales .
Tang Jun is the cosset of media , he stars like recreation same every word and deed gets the attention of media .
Fang recently disclosed that China 's well-known self-made business leader Tang Jun actually holding a PhD degree granted by a US-based diploma mill .
It has been weeks since the accusations against Tang first caught the public 's eye , and yet the dust is far from settling .
This is the context for recent public debate over unproven allegations a former president of Microsoft China and best-selling author distorted his academic credentials .
When she knew that Nanjing Forestry University had invited Tang to make a speech , she planned to play a trick on him with her classmates .
This was a reference to a reported scandal in which Tang admitted spending more than $ 3,000 ( 19,479 yuan ) to obtain his doctorate degree .
He said Tang Jun 's name is not on the school 's alumni record , and Tang 's doctorial dissertation can 't be found in the dissertation database .
The most notable recent case centres on Tang Jun , a celebrity executive , a self-made man and author of a popular book ," My Success Can Be Replicated " .
Fang also said the California-based Pacific Western University , which awarded Tang his PhD degree in electrical engineering , is actually a " diploma mill ", where students can purchase degrees .
Tang Jun , who had listed his degree as an achievement in a book recounting his success in business , later acknowledged that his PhD actually came from Pacific Western University in California .