
  1. 唐骏曾说,很多学生用智能手机在游戏和QQ上花了很多时间。

    Tang once said many students spent much time on games and QQ with their smartphones .

  2. 唐骏辞职是继段永基辞去新浪董事长、汤美娟离开TOM集团之后,中国IT行业一周内发生的又一次高层变动。

    Tang Jun resigns is afterwards Duan Yongji resigns sina president , Shang Meijuan leaves after TOM group , happen inside a week of Chinese IT industry again the high level is fluctuant .

  3. 唐骏简要回答了问题之后就离开了。

    Tang answered the questions briefly and walked off .

  4. 方舟子对唐骏的加州理工学院博士学位提出质疑。

    Fang Zhouzi questioned Tang 's PhD diploma at the California Institute of Technology .

  5. 以批判学术欺诈著称的科普作家方舟子指责唐骏从美国获得博士学位的说法不实。

    Tang of having falsely claimed to have earned a doctorate from the California Institute of Technology .

  6. 他揭发了前微软中国区总裁唐骏的学历造假事件。

    He outed Tang Jun , former president of Microsoft China , for making false claims about his academic qualifications .

  7. 我们认为由陈天桥和唐骏领导的全新的管理团队将带领新浪进入新的阶段。

    We believe a new management team led by Tianqiao Chen and Jun Tang will prepare Sina for the next decade .

  8. 但唐骏表示,根据中国现行法律,陈发树无需为出售股票而缴税。

    But Mr Tang said that under current Chinese law Mr Chen was not required to pay tax on his share sales .

  9. 唐骏是媒体的宠儿,他像娱乐明星一样一言一行都受到媒体的关注。

    Tang Jun is the cosset of media , he stars like recreation same every word and deed gets the attention of media .

  10. 方舟子最近揭露了中国著名白手起家的商业领袖唐骏所获得的博士学位是来自于美国一家“文凭工厂”。

    Fang recently disclosed that China 's well-known self-made business leader Tang Jun actually holding a PhD degree granted by a US-based diploma mill .

  11. 自从针对唐骏的指控引起公众的关注以来,几星期已经过去了,但是尘埃还未落定。

    It has been weeks since the accusations against Tang first caught the public 's eye , and yet the dust is far from settling .

  12. 这就是近期中国公众关于前微软中国总裁、畅销书作者唐骏被指篡改学历的讨论背景。

    This is the context for recent public debate over unproven allegations a former president of Microsoft China and best-selling author distorted his academic credentials .

  13. 当她得知南京林业大学邀请了唐骏做讲座时,她就计划要和她的同学来踢馆。

    When she knew that Nanjing Forestry University had invited Tang to make a speech , she planned to play a trick on him with her classmates .

  14. 这正是学历门丑闻中,唐骏承认花费超过3000美元(合人民币19479元)得到的博士学位证书。

    This was a reference to a reported scandal in which Tang admitted spending more than $ 3,000 ( 19,479 yuan ) to obtain his doctorate degree .

  15. 他说,加州理工学院校友名单中没有唐骏;美国大学博士论文数据库中也找不到此人的论文。

    He said Tang Jun 's name is not on the school 's alumni record , and Tang 's doctorial dissertation can 't be found in the dissertation database .

  16. 近期最出名的例子当属唐骏,这位非常出名的总裁依靠自身努力取得了成功,并著有畅销书《我的成功可以复制》。

    The most notable recent case centres on Tang Jun , a celebrity executive , a self-made man and author of a popular book ," My Success Can Be Replicated " .

  17. 方同时宣布说利福尼亚的西太平洋大学,也就是唐骏取得电子工程博士学位的大学,是一所野鸡大学,学生可以从那里买到学位证书。

    Fang also said the California-based Pacific Western University , which awarded Tang his PhD degree in electrical engineering , is actually a " diploma mill ", where students can purchase degrees .

  18. 唐骏曾将获得博士学位作为一项成就列在叙述他商业成功的一本书中,但后来他不得不承认他的博士学位出自西太平洋大学。

    Tang Jun , who had listed his degree as an achievement in a book recounting his success in business , later acknowledged that his PhD actually came from Pacific Western University in California .