- 网络Meg Whitman;MegWhit-man

Among the list of backers are Alibaba CEO Jack Ma , Mark Zuckerberg ofFacebook , Meg Whitman of HP and Virgin Group 's Richard Branson .
The nominee to replace Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger , who faces a term limit , is Meg Whitman .
HP 's Meg Whitman has a net worth of $ 1.7 billion , according to Forbes ( as of September 2012 ) .
Five tech women made the top 25 this year , including Facebook 's Sheryl Sandberg ( No. 6 ) , Rometty ( No. 12 ) and HP 's Meg Whitman ( No. 15 ) .
He also said the board of Hewlett Packard ( HPQ ) , which Andreessen is a member of , stands behind Meg Whitman .
He was particularly effusive that eBay and Meg Whitman , who was then its chief executive , had enticed Yahoo to make a competing offer by bidding so aggressively for Alibaba .
Thank you , Meg Whitman , Mr. Ma joked at the time . Thank you for making all of this possible .
Studies show most women with high net worth from Carly Fiorina to Meg Whitman to Andrea Jung , have worked for their fortune rather than inherited it .