
  • 网络shangqiu normal university
  1. 来自商丘师范学院音乐系,从事长笛,钢琴教学。

    From music Dept of Shangqiu Normal institute , works as flute and Piano teachings .

  2. 商丘师范学院体育学院散打课程的现状分析与对策研究

    An analysis on current situation of sanda curriculum and study on countermeasures at institute P.E of Shangqiu Teachers College

  3. 商丘师范学院的学生只要每天早上跑上三圈(1200米)步,就能得到包括鸡蛋、面包和豆浆在内的免费早餐。

    Students in Shangqiu Normal University can get a free breakfast , including an egg , bread and a cup of soy milk , after running three laps ( 1200 meters ) in the morning .

  4. 商丘师范学院这项活动的组织者、20岁的李梦媛称,从11月12日开始,“你晨跑,我送餐”活动将持续两周,她很高兴看到越来越多的人加入进来。

    Li Mengyuan , 20 , organizer of the activity in Shangqiu Normal University said the free breakfast for the morning exercisers will last for two weeks starting from Nov 12 and she was glad to see more people to join in .

  5. 通过文献资料调查法、问卷调查法、实验调查法等方法,对商丘师范学院2002级部分大学生心理健康状况进行了研究,旨在研究不同的锻炼形式对抑郁、焦虑、身体自尊水平低下的影响。

    By using the method of questionnaire and document and experimental research condition of 2002 unin students from Shangqiu Normal College , in order to research the influence of different sports exercise college students depression , anxiety and the level of body - esteem .