
Yuè nán rén
  • Vietnamese
  1. 这些越南人正在努力融入美国社会,成为美国人。

    The Vietnamese are trying to assimilate themselves and become Americans

  2. 另外一名越南人ChamroeunKang也希望为BP工作。

    Fellow Vietnamese Chamroeun Kang is hoping to work for BP .

  3. 因此,2008年,当中国铝业(aluminumcorporationofchina)提出要在那里开采铝土矿时,触动了越南人敏感的神经。

    So in 2008 , when Aluminum Corporation of China put forward a plan to mine bauxite there , it struck a raw nerve .

  4. 在许多普通越南人看来,此次大赛是越南发展的明证,比起一年前越南加入世贸组织(WTO)更能说明问题。

    For many ordinary Vietnamese , the event was more compelling evidence that the country has arrived than joining the World Trade Organization was the year before .

  5. 对于所有渔民来说,做出这种生活变化都是非常困难的。但是对于这里的越南人和柬埔寨人来说,要到BP石油公司寻找工作和寻求赔偿,语言障碍也增加了他们的困难。

    Making this life change is hard on all fishermen , but for the Vietnamese and Cambodians here , the language barrier is an added obstacle in trying to reach out to BP for work and compensation .

  6. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师表示:越南政府可能允许越南人赌博。他们指的是河内方面有人提议,允许数千万越南人在国内合法赌博。

    Vietnam could allow Vietnamese to gamble , say analysts at Morgan Stanley , referring to proposals floated in Hanoi to allow tens of millions of Vietnamese people to bet legally at home .

  7. 越南语无法翻译「社会企业」一词,以河内作为基地的Betterday也没有越南语名称,但Betterday却是不折不扣的越南品牌,属于越南人全资拥有的MDIJsc。

    In Vietnamese , there is no translation for'social enterprise'and the Hanoi-based company'Betterday'has no name in the language .

  8. “这项新提议很有意思,不过这个玩笑可害苦了一些越南人,”31岁的河内股票经纪人LeQuangMinh说到。

    " The new proposals are very funny , but many Vietnamese people could become the victim of this joke ," said Le Quang Minh , 31 , a Hanoi stockbroker .

  9. 我们啥都吃’-越南人吃动物(在很多其他国家被当作宠物)的习惯主要是因为环境造成的,河内为数不多的正规兽医HoangNgocBau如是说。

    We ate everything ' - Vietnam 's penchant for eating animals that are considered pets in many other countries came about largely as a result of circumstance , said Hoang Ngoc Bau , one of Hanoi 's few trained vets .

  10. 《同情者》(TheSympathizer),VietThanhNguyen著,(Grove出版社,26美元)。这本悲喜交集的处女小说填补了越南战争文学中的空白,让越南人发出了声音,促使我们其他人以新的角度审视40年前的事件。

    THE SYMPATHIZER . By Viet Thanh Nguyen . ( Grove , $ 26 . ) Nguyen 's tragicomic debut novel fills a void in Vietnam War literature , giving a voice to the Vietnamese and compelling the rest of us to look at the events of 40 years ago in a new light .

  11. 当法国占领越南的时候,法国人处斩了许多越南人。

    The French guillotined many Vietnamese while they occupied the country .

  12. 我从没问过自己觉得是德国人还是越南人。

    I never asked myself whether I felt German or Vietnamese .

  13. 越南人哭得很伤心,美国人为何心惊动魄!

    Vietnamese crying very sad that Americans are alarmed heart soul !

  14. 在温哥华,亚洲人,尤其是韩国人和越南人开的食品杂货店随处可见。

    Asian , especially Korean and Vietnamese grocery stores are common .

  15. 我是个越南人。我去过四川很多次。

    I 'm Vietnamese . I 've been to Sichuan several times .

  16. 这些越南人生活在自己的圈子里,四周都是进口的民俗产品。

    The Vietnamese live among themselves in enclaves surrounded with folkloric imports .

  17. 如果越南人抓到他,他们会发疯的。

    If the Vietnamese catch him , they 're gonna go crazy .

  18. 越南人占领柬埔寨时砍伐了许多木料。

    The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia .

  19. 越南人学习汉语语法点难度考察

    A Research on the Difficulty Level concerning the Vietnamese Learning Chinese Grammar

  20. 他常告诉我越南人爱吃猫狗

    He told me that Vietnamese loves eating cat and dog

  21. 越南人稍微好一些,他们只是把我们赶走。

    The Vietnamese are slightly better , they just chase us away .

  22. 论汉越词对越南人学习汉语词汇的词影响

    Influence of Sino-Vietnamese Words upon Vietnamese Learning of Chinese Lexion

  23. 变革之活力在异乡的寺庙&加拿大蒙特利尔越南人的佛教活动

    The Dynamics of Change in an Exiled Pagoda : Vietnamese Buddhism in Montreal

  24. 越南人生活水平的提高还体现在居住条件的改善。

    Vietnamese living standards is also reflected in the improvement of living conditions .

  25. 越南人必须学会珍惜我们现在拥有的东西。

    Vietnamese people need to learn to take seriously what we have now .

  26. 越南人的烹调术是有名的。

    The Vietnamese 's cooking art is named .

  27. 4000年以前,根本没有所谓的越南人,在现越南境内居住的是古高棉人。

    4000 years ago , no Vietnamese in Vietnam which was ancient Khmer settlement .

  28. 我不是要丢弃或忘记我的过去,也不是要忘掉那些越南人。

    I 'm not rejecting or forgetting my past , nor are the Vietnamese .

  29. 越南人或接近母语水平;

    Native Vietnamese or fluent Vietnamese speaker ;

  30. 越南人能够创造出美丽的未来。

    Vietnamese will create a better future .