- chromonema

Marx line : Fluorescein staining line on the inner lid as indicator of meibomian gland function
Traces of dyes indicate that the stable length increases with an augment of H , and the relations between spatial attenuation rates of disturbance and wavenumbers are correspondent with theoretical results by the analysis of spatial mode .
Dye emission techniques and PIV measurements were made to investigate the channel flows of fiber suspensions . In the experiments , the nylon fibers with 20 μ m long and 20 ~ 100 aspect ratio were used .
To study the generation mechanism of asymmetric vortices flow over modern flight vehicle , the dynamical process of vortices flow around rocket-shaped cylinder was studied experimentally using streak and laser-induced fluorescence techniques in a 1.2-m water tunnel of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics .
Qualitative and quantitative measurements of disturbances in channel suspensions are carried out using dye emission and PIV techniques .
Longitudinal vortex flow was visualized for different Reynolds numbers using dye injection in the discrete double inclined ribs tube .
Experimental study on the flow structure around a slender body of revolution was conducted by streak and laser-induced fluorescence technique in water tunnel .
Application of Automation Line of Combined Technology to Anodic Oxidation and Painting of Aluminium
This article researches the cost management of the dye production line in the Textile enterprise , The managing officer of the Textile enterprise , must have the full value to project cost management .
Unlevel dyeing and fineness-unevenness of multifilament yarn
In immunocytochemistry staining , PPS and spermatogonia displayed positive staining , while Sertoli cell , round spermatid and sperm displayed negative staining .
As a result , the reformed dyeing machine featured constant linear speed and tension , high automatic degree , stable property , simple operation etc.
The result shows that dyeing rate is closely related with dyeing temperature and dye structure , isothermic absorption curve belongs to Nernst .
In mitotic prophase , the compact lumped chromatin of G2-phase gradually decondensed into loose structure . Meanwhile , the loose chromatin gradually reorganized into the chromatin thread structure that was about 80 to 150 nm in diameter . This process was completed in about 30 min.