
  • 网络Exogenic Process
  1. RIS的诱发条件和因素十分复杂,其中有些与地壳的内动力地质作用有关,也有一些与地表的外动力地质作用关系密切。

    The inducing conditions and factors of RIS are very complicated , some of which are connected with endogenic geological process of the crust , and others closely related to exogenic process .

  2. 洪灾是由洪水引发的,但洪水并不等于洪灾,由暴雨发展为洪水、洪灾是一种外动力地质作用过程。

    Flood disaster is caused by floodwater , but floodwater is not equal to flood disaster . The form of flood disaster is an outer dynamic geological process .

  3. 输入系统包括内动力地质作用子系统、外动力地质作用子系统、地域环境子系统,输出系统包括成景地层子系统和旅游地学景观子系统。

    The input sub-system includes the endogenic geological process and exogenic geological process subsystem , geographical environment subsystem . The output sub-system includes the stratum subsystem of scene formation and the tourism geosciences landscapes subsystem .