
  1. 有人购买了东西时,Web应用程序将发送两条消息,一条处理支付,另一条告知仓库配送物品。

    When something is purchased , the Web application sends two messages , one to process the payment and the other to tell the warehouse to ship the item .

  2. 多仓库多配送点的物流配送算法

    Algorithm for Multi-warehouse and Multi-task Based Logistic Assigning

  3. 本论文在分析企业物流仓库或配送中心运作特点的基础上,总结了目前进出货物路径与仓储存储方法之间的关系。

    Based on the operational properties of the warehouse or the distribution , the methods of the sorting storage and from-into handling goods have been summarized .

  4. 与亚马逊一样,京东也在基础设施方面投入了巨资,斥资逾15亿美元(约合94亿元人民币)在中国各地修建和租赁仓库与配送中心。

    Like Amazon , JD has invested heavily in infrastructure , pumping more than $ 1.5 billion into building and leasing warehouses and order-fulfillment centers around China .

  5. 这种问题对于每日进出货物众多、货物周转速度很快、同时资源有限的企业仓库、配送中心是很重要的问题,属于运作层面的问题。

    To the distribution or warehouse with the rapid turnover , kinds of goods and the limited resource , this is an important problem and it belongs to the operational level .

  6. ,由传统仓库向配送中心的改变是一个痛苦的过程,而这个痛苦的过程的表现之一就是文中的过节囤货系列问题。

    The change from the traditional warehouse to distribution center is a painful process , and " a series of problem about festival goods store " is one of the manifestation of the painful process .

  7. 基于数据仓库的物流配送系统研究

    Research on Logistics Distribution System Based on Data Warehouse

  8. 后方仓库向军事物流配送中心转化的研究

    Research on the Conversion of Rear Depot into Military Logistics Distribution Center

  9. 将数据仓库技术与物流配送调运模型结合建立的物流配送系统,能够帮助企业优化资源,为企业的发展做出辅助决策。

    The logistics distribution system integrated data warehouse and logistics distribution model can help enterprises optimize resources , and support for enterprise development make decision-making .

  10. 将典型的车辆路线问题扩展为综合考虑了客户具有软时间窗约束和中央仓库拥有多种类型配送车辆的情况。

    The typical vehicle routing problem is expanded to the situation that customers have the restriction of soft time windows and a depot has various kinds of vehicles to distribute .

  11. 这种虚拟城市将成为城市概念的主体,而原先的实体城市成为附属的一部分,即虚拟城市中的最大的“仓库”和“配送中心”。

    The virtual image becomes the main part of the city concept , and the substance city becomes the affiliated part , that is the biggest " store " and " delivery center " .

  12. 然后,对成都铁路局内部物流管理的基本情况进行了介绍,并从供应商、仓库管理、物资配送、物资回收等各个重要环节对内部物流现状进行了详细描述。

    Then , the paper makes a brief introduce of Chengdu Railway Bureau 's inner logistics management circumstances , and makes detail description of every important links in inner logistics such as cooperators , suppliers , materials delivery , materials recycle and storehouse management .

  13. 这里所称的仓库包括生产和供应领域中各种类型的储存仓库和配送中心,包括普通仓库,物流仓库以及货代仓库。

    Here called " warehouse " includes the field of production and supply of various types of storage warehouses and distribution centers , including general warehouse , logistics , warehouse and freight forwarding warehouse .

  14. 如果Web应用程序的用户能够向仓库队列发送消息,则该用户可以直接通过发送一条新消息,从而在不用支付的情况下就让仓库配送货物。

    If the user of the Web application is able to send a message to the warehouse queue , then that user could get goods shipped without paying for them , simply by sending a new message .