
cānɡ wèi
  • position ;storing location
  1. 此XMLOutput阶段将创建XML文档分层结构部分,代表帐户的仓位(投资)。

    This XML Output stage will create the portion of the XML document hierarchy representing the positions ( investments ) of the account .

  2. 然而今年1月,他开始买入SPDRGoldShares以增补仓位,并建议其新客户持有黄金。

    However , he started buying SPDR Gold Shares to restore those positions in January and is recommending that new clients hold gold .

  3. 我通常会查找出过去四到八个季度的数据,将它们输入Excel,然后按照部门、规模和仓位变化,对每一支证券进行分析。

    I 'd typically pull up data from the past four to eight quarters , input them into Excel , and then analyze every security organized by sector , size and position change over time .

  4. 上周晚些时候,我们的HedgeyeVirtualPortfolio对中国股票进行了建仓,这是自去年9月末我们结清中国股票多头仓位以来的首次。

    Late last week , we opened a position in Chinese equities within the hedgeye virtual portfolio for the first time since closing a long position in late September of last year .

  5. ETF投资者如今在市场中的影响力更大,这些长期仓位持有者与对冲基金之间的力量平衡正在发生改变。

    Investors in ETFs now have more influence in the market and the balance of power is changing between these long-term position holders and hedge funds .

  6. 骏利环球科技基金(JanusGlobalTechnologyFund)的投资组合经理丹尼·菲什(DennyFish)周二表示,该基金在第一季度出售了一些苹果仓位,原因是它的增长面临着挑战,它在中国的状况也令人担忧。

    Denny Fish , a portfolio manager at the Janus Global Technology Fund , said Tuesday that the fund sold some of its position in Apple during the first quarter , citing the company 's growth challenges and worries about its position in China .

  7. 因此,本文将课题定位于为FOF产品35%固定仓位的主动管理型基金的选取提供量化建议。

    Therefore , this article was subject to provide quantitative recommendations for the selection of actively managed fund of35 % of the fixed positions of FOF products .

  8. 最近几周,施罗德(schroders)、邓普顿(templeton)和johambro等基金公司的少数英国基金经理,已开始调整仓位,为这种趋势的逆转做准备,莫特很高兴自己也位列其中。

    In recent weeks a trickle of UK fund managers from houses such as Schroders , Templeton and Jo Hambro have started to position themselves for a reversal of this trend , and Mr Mott is happy to be counted among their number .

  9. 他可以在新的仓位再拿1000元去冒险。

    He would again risk another thousand on the new position .

  10. 金君瓦拉是仓位集中理论的坚定支持者。

    Rakesh Jhunjhunwala is an unabashed proponent of the concentrated portfolio theory .

  11. 问题在于,两者中仓位相对更大的是哪个?

    The question is which one is a bigger position ?

  12. 矿商的对冲仓位对金价十分重要。

    The mining hedge book is important for gold prices .

  13. 证券市场中仓位比例的模糊控制方法

    The Fuzzy Control Methods of " Warehouse Stock Rate " in Stock Market

  14. 在这段小小的崩跌过程中,我输掉了约三分之一的仓位。

    I lost some one third of my position on that little shakeout .

  15. 无论如何,这是一个很大的仓位。

    That 's still a big position , no matter how you color it .

  16. 这是最好的卖出时间,兑现多头仓位的利润。

    It is a high time to sell , taking profits on long positions .

  17. 你需要通过仓位的调整来达到你的目的。

    You meet your objectives through position sizingSM .

  18. 曾对我进行面试的一位投资组合经理披露,他们卖出了仓位。

    One portfolio manager who interviewed me disclosed they had sold out of a position .

  19. 如今他们的仓位如何?

    How are they positioned today ?

  20. 周末前仓位轧平,给短期趋势作出提示。

    Position squaring ahead of weekend could also give an indication on the short term trend .

  21. 该公司从今年1月开始在离岸人民币市场建立了空头仓位。

    Omni took short positions in the offshore renminbi ( CNH ) market starting in January .

  22. 请把我方2530号订单项下的货物用第一艘可订到仓位的货船运来,以纠正你方发货错误。

    Would you please correct your shipment by sending the order No.2530 by the first available vessel ?

  23. 所以建立一个超大仓位不但有吸引力,而且还有趣。

    So putting on a larger than usual position is not only appealing , it 's compelling .

  24. 在每个仓位号下,只管数量,不管金额。

    Within each warehouse number , the stock figures are managed as quantities , not as values .

  25. 然而,一旦你建立了超大仓位,你就有危险了。

    However , as soon as you put on the larger-than-usual position , you 're in danger .

  26. 找到一个方法,在赚钱时能坚持持有仓位,在亏钱时能止损,这个很重要。

    It 's important to have a method for sticking with winners and getting rid of losers .

  27. 这时减轻仓位以锁定利润的诱惑会非常强烈。

    The temptation to lighten the position to " lock in profits " can be very great .

  28. 积累你的盈利,并且不要过于快速地增加买卖仓位。

    Remember to accumulate a surplus and dont be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly .

  29. 更糟的是,仓位越重,你决定时会越少理性。

    Worse yet , the larger the position is , the less rational your decision-making will be .

  30. 显然,我们想在盈利时持有大仓位,在损失时持有小仓位。

    We obviously want to have big positions in our winners and small positions in our losers .