
bèi huò
  • Stock up;choice
备货[bèi huò]
  1. 松木家具我们备货不多。

    We don 't carry a large stock of pine furniture .

  2. 第8章选列了一些备货品种齐全的商家

    A selected list of some of those stocking a comprehensive range can be found in Chapter 8 .

  3. csr部件将在下一个工作日发运,取决于备货情况和允许的地理范围。

    Based on availability and where geography permits , CSR parts will be shipped for next business day delivery .

  4. 论文首先分析了预测与MRP各计划层的关系,然后阐述预测对备货型企业的作用,并说明了预测对备货型企业来说非常重要。

    Firstly , it analyses the relationship between forecasting and MRP plan levels , then emphasizes the important of the forecasting in MTS enterprise .

  5. 为了适应这些新变化,大多数企业从传统的备货型生产模式转向按订单生产(Make-To-Order,MTO)模式,并形成MTO供应链。

    To adapt to these changes , most enterprises shift from the traditional make-to-stock production model to make-to-order ( MTO ) production model and establish MTO supply chain .

  6. 存在于订货型与备货型之间的生产组织方式有多种,每种生产组织方式可以用订货进入点(OPP)来表示。

    There are a number of production organizing modes decided by OPP ( order penetration point ) which are suited between me ( make to order ) and MTS ( make to stock ) .

  7. 配送是由备货、理货和送货三个基本环节组成的。

    Distribution is composed by stocking , cargo handling and delivery .

  8. 我们的旧车备货是城里最好的。

    Our inventory of used cars is the best in town .

  9. 备货以备将来用或卖。

    Stock up on to keep for future use or sale .

  10. 工商交接备货烟叶等级质量分析

    Analysis on Grade Quality of Leaf Tobacco in Business Stock for Sale

  11. 康伦曾经考虑过备货,但是因为成本问题而犹豫不决。

    Mr. Conran considered stocking it , but balked at the cost .

  12. 你们没有咖啡色备货吗?

    Have not you get any brown colour in stock ?

  13. 你有没有专为押金、备货和雇工准备的资金?

    Do you have the funds for deposits , inventory and staffing ?

  14. 那家饭馆开张不久,备货充足。

    That was a new restaurant and well stocked .

  15. 这个仓库为这个地区的10家商店备货。

    This warehouse keeps all of the stock for the10 stores in this region .

  16. 典型的智能家电是可以自动备货的冰箱,能够自动补充牛奶。

    The stereotypical smart appliance is the self-stocking refrigerator that replenishes your milk automatically .

  17. 备货前,确保你有一个现成的市场。

    Make sure there ` s a ready market before you start stocking your goods .

  18. 备货、订舱都是要花费时间的。

    It take time to get the goods ready and to book the shipping space .

  19. 本文以空调行业为背景来研究备货型企业的销售预测体系。

    The thesis mainly research on the forecasting system of make to stock enterprise based on the air-condition industry .

  20. 起初,他只在网上提供可出售商品的照片和描述,并不备货。

    He did not stock any goods at first and only provided photos and descriptions of the goods available .

  21. 第四季度的收入已经趋向于降低,因为制造厂已经为假日时期备货。

    Fourth quarter revenue already tends to be lower because manufacturers have already stocked up parts for the holiday season .

  22. 您知道,我们得备货、制单、订舱位。

    You know , we need to get the goods ready , make out the documents and book shipping space .

  23. 而且保鲜膜,箔,盒子等都要随时都有备货,因为它是挺气恼当你用完了。

    Also cling film , foil , containers etc , keep lots to hand as its soooannoying when you run out .

  24. 为了便于我方备货装船,希望允许分批发运。

    895 To make it easier for us to get the goods ready for shipment , we hope that partial shipment is allowed .

  25. 大多数的产品是中高档的,各类产品备货充足。

    Most of the products are of medium and high quality and there is an ample supply of a variety of such products .

  26. 这是迄今为止最成功的智能手机处子秀,而苹果在好几个月里一直忙于备货。

    It was the most successful debut for a smart phone yet , and Apple struggled to keep it in stock for months .

  27. 本文考虑的是备货型商品的生产与优化管理。

    In this paper , we consider the optimal management of finished goods inventory and demand for a product in a make-to-stock production system .

  28. 与此同时,一层拐角处的房子被非法改造成了一间工业厨房,为少数民族餐馆备货。

    Meanwhile , round the corner a ground floor flat has been illegally converted into an industrial kitchen , making stock for ethnic restaurants .

  29. 中班楼层主管负责每周向总仓订客用品一保证工作间有充足的备货。

    PM Floor Supervisors are responsible for weekly orders of bulk guest supplies from the store to guarantee adequate stocks without running out or overstocking .

  30. 也就是说,网络购物的零售商备货时,完全可以根据出售情况来备货,先售出,再进货。

    In other words , retail stock shopping network , can be based on the sale of stock to the situation before the sale , purchase .