
  • 网络Bak;Backup File;backup;gho
  1. word不能删除旧备份文件,因为它是只读文件,或者另一用户已将其打开。

    Word cannot delete the old backup file because it is read-only or another user has it open .

  2. 键入并确认ca私钥备份文件的密码。

    Type and then confirm a password for the CA private key backup file .

  3. 一定要定期备份文件。

    Make a point of backing up your files at regular intervals

  4. 可以使用IBMDatabaseEncryptionExpert加密底层操作系统数据和备份文件。

    You can use IBM Database Encryption Expert to encrypt the underlying operating system data and backup files .

  5. UNIX备份文件看起来将像这样

    UNIX backup files will look something like this

  6. 再从机器上拷贝一次(或只是拷贝备份文件)并命名为MERGE。

    Copy from the radio again ( or just copy the file ) name this file MERGE .

  7. 添加条目,以便为IDS备份文件分配适当的管理类(请参阅管理类的分配)。

    Add entries to assign appropriate management classes to your IDS backup objects ( see Management class assignment ) .

  8. 从您的服务器备份文件的一个简单方法是将它们复制到AmazonS3或者将它们作为您库存AMI的一部分。

    A simple way to back up files from your servers is to copy them into Amazon S3 or make them part of your stock AMI .

  9. 这些备份文件创建于与远程系统共享的网络文件系统(NFS),而该远程系统保留了相应的备份副本。

    The backup files are created on a Network File System ( NFS ) share to a remote system that holds a copy of the backup .

  10. 容易保持完整性想要压缩备份文件吗?把它们备份到磁带上,ftp或者网络备份软件&十分简单,因为只需要拷贝文件即可。

    Easy to integrate do you want to compress backup ? Backup it to tape , FTP or any network backup software-it is easy as you just need to copy files .

  11. DMGR配置备份文件命名约定。

    DMGR profile backup file naming convention .

  12. 在本节中,您将了解如何以JSON格式导入和导出文件,以及如何创建用于高效恢复的热备份文件。

    In this section , you will discover how to import and export files in JSON format , as well as how to create hot backup files that are more efficient for recovery purposes .

  13. 要从备份文件恢复DAOS储存库目录,可将notesdatadirectory/DAOS目录的备份内容复制到新的文件位置。

    To restore the DAOS repository directory from your backup file , copy the backed-up contents of the notesdatadirectory / DAOS directory to the new file location .

  14. 下面的屏幕快照展示了两个压缩备份文件:针对TM1数据目录的TM1Data.7z,针对TM1Web文件的wwwroot.7z。

    The screenshot below shows two compressed backup files : TM1Data.7z for the TM1 Data Directory ; and wwwroot.7z for the TM1 Web files .

  15. 对比注册表变量与db2set.out备份文件中的内容,在必要时进行重新应用。

    Compare , and if necessary re-apply , the registry variables with those in the db2set.out backup file .

  16. tdbbackup的另一帮助功能是可以查看TDB文件是否损坏,且如果发现损坏则自动恢复为备份文件。

    Another helpful feature of tdbbackup is that it can verify that a TDB file is free of corruption and automatically revert to a backup file if corruption was found .

  17. 如果喜欢使用命令行,我发现使用mkvdev-vadaptervhostN-fbo(面向备份文件的虚拟光学设备)为每个LPAR创建虚拟光学设备很有帮助。

    If you prefer the command line , I find it helpful to create a virtual optical device for each LPAR , using mkvdev-vadapter vhostN-fbo ( for file-backed virtual optic device ) .

  18. ILAS系统中的电子阅览室管理(ILAS-ER)功能过于简单,对电子阅览室的管理存在明显的不足,而采用其它软件代替管理则至少存在读者数据的冗余,通过以ILAS电子阅览室备份文件electbakup。

    The function of electric reading room management in ILAS ( ILAS-ER ) is too simple , there are some obvious shortcomings for management of electric reading room in this system . Other software will cause data redundancy of reader information .

  19. 指定存储备份文件的目录。

    Specify the directory in which to store the backup file .

  20. 如果现有文件比备份文件旧,将其替换

    Replace existing files if they are older than the backup files

  21. 灾难恢复中备份文件的查找和自动精确恢复的研究与设计

    Study and Design of Backup Document Seeking and Automatic Precision Recovery

  22. 备份文件被写入到共享的目录中。

    The backup files are written to a shared directory .

  23. 数据库恢复的必要条件是备份文件及其路径。

    Select backup file needs to restore in restoring interface of database .

  24. 在这个示例中,排除了常见的备份文件。

    In this example , I excluded common backup files .

  25. 您可以从密钥管理器备份文件导入证书。

    You can import a certificate from a Key Manager backup file .

  26. 您是否想在硬盘上保存您的备份文件?

    Do you want to save your backups on the hard drive ?

  27. 将最近的部署管理器配置备份文件复制到新服务器

    Copy the recent deployment manager config backup files to the new server

  28. 为存储备份文件指定一个文件夹。

    Specify a folder for storing the backup file ( s ) .

  29. 辅助服务器最近一次复制和还原备份文件的时间。

    When the secondary servers last copied and restored the backup files .

  30. 备份文件的长度(字节)。

    Length of the file that is backed up , in bytes .