
  1. 备案审查性质的模糊;

    The character of recording review is vague ;

  2. 备案审查决定的冲突;

    The conflict with different recording review ;

  3. 其次,我国两套备案审查制度存在审查对象重合问题,进而凸显一系列问题。

    Two filing and examination system review of object overlap and highlight a range of issues .

  4. 我国备案审查制度的若干缺陷及其完善&兼与法国的事先审查制相比较

    The Shortage and Perfect of Legislative Recording Review of China & A Compare with Prior Legislative Review of France

  5. 具体分析法规规章、其他规范性文件、司法解释各自在实际操作中存在的问题,进而分析的规范性文件备案审查制度现状的原因。

    Concrete analysis the actual problems of laws and regulations and other regulatory documents , judicial interpretation and reason .

  6. 但是备案审查制度面临着不少的缺陷:备案机关缺乏审查权;

    However , the recording review has some shortage : such as , the recording bodies are short of the review power ;

  7. 最后,备案审查制度与行政复议制度存在审查标准及程序规定不明的问题。

    There are inconsistent and procedures of the standard of review provisions of the unknown between Filing and examination system and the administrative reconsideration system .

  8. 提出了构建村规民约备案审查制度和完善违宪审查制度两条村民自治权公法规制的路径。

    I proposed two regulative ways by building village regulations review of the record system and improve the system of villagers autonomy Constitutional Review Public Law .

  9. 通过完善实体、程序方面的规定以及建立专门的机构和完善人员配备以促进备案审查制度的运行。

    To facilitate the filing and examination systems run through the improvement of the entities , procedural requirements and the establishment of specialized institutions and improve staffing .

  10. 各期货公司会员要根据本指引重新制定《期货经纪合同》文本,并报我会备案审查。

    All member entities of futures companies shall re-prepare the text of the futures & brokagefutures and brokage contract and lodge it with the Association for examination .

  11. 从目前的制度安排来看,尽管规范性文件的备案审查制度从理论上说是解决这一问题的最好途径,但实践结果却不尽如人意。

    In theory , the normative documents filing system is the best way to solve the problem . However , the results in practice are not satisfactory .

  12. 引言部分,即本文的第一部分,从一件行政管理相对人提请审查规范性文件的案例出发,简要提出了一般规范性文件备案审查中存在的问题。

    Introductory part , the first part of this article , from an administrative management relatively drew the case to review the normative documents and made a brief general normative documents exist in the record review .

  13. 而建立以上级检察机关为主的内部监督制约机制,扩大自侦案件监督范围和建立备案审查制度则是完善自侦案件监督体系的重要途径。

    The prosecution established the main level above the internal supervisory mechanisms , and to expand the scope of Itself cases of supervision and the establishment of filing and examination system is to improve the supervision system Itself cases an important way .

  14. 而由于缺乏统一的全国性法律规范,加重了行政规范性文件泛滥成灾的局面,各地方政府管理行政规范性文件的规章中所设置的行政备案审查制度形同虚设。

    And because of the lack of uniformity of national laws and regulations , aggravated rampant situation of administrative normative documents , administrative record review system which local government set in the regulations about the management of normative documents proved to be useless .

  15. 但从全国范围上看,行政规范性文件备案审查工作发展仍然比较慢,还远不能满足社会发展的需要,还有许多问题需要研究解决。

    But in the nationwide point of view , the administrative normative documents for the record review of development is still relatively slow , can not meet the needs of social development , there are many issues that need to study and solve .

  16. 规范性文件备案审查制度作为行政法制监督的一项重要制度,就是为维护法制统一、确保政令畅通、保障人民群众的正当权益所采取的有效措施。

    Regulatory document filing system as the administrative law review of an important system of supervision is to safeguard the unity of the legal system , ensure that government decrees to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of the effective measures taken .

  17. 实施地方立法监督的方式和手段主要包括批准、备案、审查和清理,并以撤销权为保障措施,有效保证立法监督的真正实现。

    Ways and means of implementation of the local legislative oversight to include approval of record review and clearance and to revoke the right to protection measures effectively to ensure the real implementation of the legislative oversight .

  18. 如:严格规范的检查制度;自上而下的巡察制度;文书备案、审查、注销制度;现场监督制度;参政、议政是监察权的重要保障;对监察者的监督。

    Such as : strict censorship , Top-down have system , Document filing , and review , cancellation system , Site supervision system , Participation in state affairs , an important safeguard supervisory authority is , The supervisory person supervision .

  19. 受理进口备案申请,审查进口备案资料;办理进口备案或者不予进口备案的有关事项;

    To accept the applications for import record keeping , and examine relevant materials ; To handle relevant matters related to import record keeping ;

  20. 备案既是立法监督的一个重要环节,也是立法过程的一个必经阶段,让备案审查成为法规、规章和规范性文件制定程序中的最后一道防线。

    Keeping of file is an important chain ; meanwhile , it is also a necessary stage of legislation , which should be the last line of defense in the procedure of making laws , regulations and regulatory documents .