
wén yì tuán tǐ
  • literature and art organization;theatre troupe
  1. 会场一角传来广播喇叭声,等会儿有贵州来的文艺团体的演出。

    Broadcasting from the loud speakers : there will be performances here at ten .

  2. 邹德华是北京中央歌剧院的主要女高音演员,她能为任何一个文艺团体增光。

    Zou Dehua is a leading soprano of the Central Opera Theater of Peking and would be a credit to a company anywhere .

  3. 此外,经常在本地一些文艺团体讲学、授课,还担任过大、专院校暨民间团体举办的文艺创作比赛之评审;

    Besides , he often gave lectures in some local literature organizations ; he was one of the judges in the literature competitions held by colleges or public organizations .

  4. 公司客户涉及行业有:电信、IT、酿酒、食品、饮料、租赁、卷烟、文艺团体、餐饮连锁店、展览、广告等众多行业。

    The Company is involved in the following industry : Telecom , IT , Vintage , beverage , rental , tobacco , entertainment group , chain restaurant , exhibition , advertisement etc.

  5. 维吾尔、哈萨克、回、柯尔克孜、蒙古、塔吉克、锡伯等民族都有自己的专业文艺团体,涌现了一批杰出的民族艺术家。

    The Uygur , Kazak , Hui , Kirgiz , Mongolian , Tajik and Xibe ethnic minorities now all have their own professional theatrical troupes and have produced a galaxy of outstanding artists .

  6. 文艺表演团体名称预先核准通知书、住所和从事的艺术类型;

    The Notice on the Advance Approval for the Name of an Artistic-cultural Performance Group , domicile and the type of art as engaged in ;

  7. 《大众传播艺术团》为集团文艺演出团体,艺术团下设演艺中心、创作策划中心,市场开发中心。

    The mass media art troupe of artistic performance groups for group consists of performing arts center , art center , marketing planning , creative development center .

  8. 在国内,协会建立的文化交流网络与中央和地方各级文艺演出团体、文艺演出场馆、文化艺术院校、文艺科研院所、文化活动中心有着密切的联系。

    Domestically , the cultural network founded by CETA is connected closely with the central and local artistic performance groups at all levels , performance stadiums and gymnasiums , cultural and artistic colleges and universities , artistic research institutes and cultural activity centers .

  9. 活动内容包括民俗游戏、联合文艺演出、团体之间的对话以及长跑等。

    Activities include folk games , joint art performances , long distance races as well as dialogs among civic groups .