
  • 网络cultural perspective
  1. 从文化角度谈中国古典诗歌的英译

    On the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry : A Cultural Perspective

  2. 从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视

    On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective

  3. 从视觉文化角度对电影的解读

    The Interpretation of the Movies in the Perspective of Visual Culture

  4. 从文化角度看汉语习语的英译

    On the English Translation of Chinese Idiomatic Expressions from a Cultural Perspective

  5. 从文化角度对比研究中英文中的隐喻现象

    A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Metaphor in Culture

  6. 小费现象最好从文化角度来解释,而不是从经济学角度。

    Tipping is better explained by culture than by economics .

  7. 从文化角度谈隐喻理解

    On Comprehension of Metaphor from the Perspective of Culture

  8. 从政治文化角度分析中日外交有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Analysis from political culture has the important theories worth and realistic meaning .

  9. 从中西方文化角度看翻译研究(英文)

    Translation Studies from the Cultural Perspectives both in China and the West ;

  10. 从文化角度分析英语电影名的汉译

    On Translating English Film Titles from a Cultural Perspective

  11. 从跨文化角度论因中美文化背景不同而引起的家庭纠纷解决方式

    Dealing with the Family Conflicts Caused by Differences in American and Chinese Cultural Backgrounds

  12. 笔者采用的研究模式突破了传统的和最新的管理研究在研究角度和研究方法上的局限性,对印度管理的探讨也是突破了仅从文化角度出发这一现象。

    This study method breaks the exist management research mode limitation on study point .

  13. 从背景文化角度谈古文字教学

    Discussion on the Teaching of Ancient Chinese Characters from the Point of Cultural Background

  14. 这一点是英国一些机构从文化角度抵制中国文化的一个借口。

    This is the excuse of a number of UK organisations in culturally boycotting China .

  15. 从文化角度谈翻译策略

    On Translation Strategies from Cultural Angle

  16. 改写理论是安德烈·勒弗维尔从文化角度提出的非常重要的翻译理论。

    Rewriting theory is an important translation theory proposed by Andre Lefevere from the cultural perspective .

  17. 从文化角度看品牌名称

    A Cultural Approach to Brand Names

  18. 此外,在找出这些异同点的基础上,本论文还试着从社会、礼貌原则和文化角度对它们进行了解释。

    Besides , the thesis tries to give explanations from social , politeness principle and cultural perspectives .

  19. 从跨文化角度来看翻译,我们发现文化差异是翻译中的主要障碍。

    Viewing translation from the cross-cultural perspective , we find that cultural differences pose major barriers in translating .

  20. 在绪论中,论述了从文化角度阐释二人转的学术价值和研究前景。

    In the introduction , discusses the interpretation from the cultural perspective the academic value and the research prospect .

  21. 摘要从传统文化角度结合实际分析掌人心的理论和方略。

    Abstract Theories and strategies of holding one 's mentality and emotion are analyzed from tradition culture and practice .

  22. 其中提出从文化角度、艺术审美角度进行理论建构的亦大有人在。

    There are also many a people who suggest the theory be constructed from cultural and Arts appreciation prospect .

  23. 本文将对中国的转译历史加以介绍并从文化角度对转译进行分析。

    This paper intends to review the history of indirect translation in China and study it with the consideration of culture .

  24. 本文着重从文化角度来分析中西方近代报刊兴起的不同。

    It focuses on analyzing the differences between the origins of oriental and western journals ' in terms of their cultures .

  25. 采用让被试选择玩具图片的方法,考察儿童在自己的喜好与群体发生冲突时的选择情况,试图从文化角度重新解释儿童从众行为发展的趋势。

    We examined how children made choices between two categories of pictures when their own preference conflicted with that of the group .

  26. 主要从辅助设施,文化角度,民俗角度,市场营销,安全预警方面进一步优化了现有夜间旅游产品。

    Mainly from the support facilities , Cultural perspective , Folk view , Marketing and Security Alert to further optimize existing night tourism products .

  27. 解决全球化危机,把现代文明推向新阶段应该从文化角度着眼,塑造全球性意识。

    In order to solve globalization crisis , cultural angle should be considered on the way to modern civilization , and mold globalization consciousness .

  28. 单从文化角度研究不能全面系统且深入地理顺品牌名翻译过程中的多重关系。

    The study of the subject matter solely from culture perspective fails to hit overall and home the multifold relations in the translating process .

  29. 因此,从文化角度来观照无名氏及其创作,具有一定的先锋意义,这构成了本文研究的基础。

    Hence , the paper has certain vanguard significance in this sense , which in turn serves as a foundation of the composing of the paper .

  30. 针对沉默现象存在状况分解辨析的基础上,从减少组织沉默行为的企业文化角度出发进行了较系统的对策探讨。

    Based on an analysis of the current situation to silence , from based on organizational silence behavior of the countermeasures for the enterprise culture systematically .