
shēn shì
  • gentleman;gentry
绅士 [shēn shì]
  • [gentleman] 旧时在地方上有财有势或得过一官半职的人,以地主和退职官僚居多

  • 他的父亲是开锡箔店的;听说现在快要升到绅士的地位了。--《从百草园到三味书屋》

绅士[shēn shì]
  1. 他真是个小绅士,不是吗?

    He 's quite the little gentleman , isn 't he ?

  2. 他过的是一种与绅士相称的生活。

    He lived in the style befitting a gentleman .

  3. 他成了颇有风度的绅士了。

    He 'd become quite the little gentleman .

  4. 他的行为像个真正的绅士。

    He behaved like a true gentleman .

  5. 布莱克先生是位绅士,举止得体。

    Mr Blake was a gent . He knew how to behave .

  6. 他60岁出头,是位有着贵族气派的清瘦绅士。

    He was a lean , patrician gent in his early sixties .

  7. 安迪是个谦逊而且彬彬有礼的绅士。

    Andy was a humble , courteous and gentle man .

  8. 把盗窃艺术品看作是一种绅士犯罪的观念已经过时了。

    The image of art theft as a gentleman 's crime is outdated

  9. 他们正表演莎士比亚剧作《维洛那二绅士》中的一个片段。

    They were performing a short extract from Shakespeare 's Two Gentlemen of Verona

  10. 这个电话是一位绅士打来的,他似乎非常诚恳。

    I got this phone call from a gentleman , who seemed sincere enough

  11. 他总是举止得体,一直是个完美的绅士。

    He would never be improper , he is always the perfect gentleman .

  12. 他一改摇滚歌星紧张忙碌的生活方式,开始过起了乡村绅士的生活。

    He has swapped his hectic rock star 's lifestyle for that of a country gentleman

  13. 这位绅士,尽管年事已高,仍然帮着凯瑟琳回到座位上。

    The gentleman , despite his advanced years , helped Kathryn back to her seat .

  14. 他为人谦和而且有绅士风度,认识他的人都很尊重他。

    He was respected by all who knew him for his kind and gentlemanly consideration .

  15. 他英俊潇洒,还是个衣着讲究的时髦绅士。

    He was handsome and a dandy .

  16. 他急于想表现得像个绅士。

    He is anxious to appear a gentleman

  17. 他是最最典型的英国绅士。

    He is the ultimate English gentleman

  18. 他始终保持绅士风度,没有拔脚就跑,只是试图移步走开。

    A gentleman to the last , he did not run , but merely attempted to stroll away

  19. “您能送希拉里走回家,真是一位绅士,”她的母亲说道。

    ' What a nice gentleman you are , to walk Hilary home , ' her mother said .

  20. 这一带的孩子们都很喜欢那位体形滚圆的绅士。

    Children in the neighbourhood all like that rotund gentleman .

  21. “哎呀,多么幼稚!”小绅士喊道。

    “ My eye , how green !” exclaimed the young gentleman .

  22. 女士们和绅士们卖弄他们的美妙姿态、才智和魅力。

    Ladies and gentlemen paraded their fine manners , wit , and charm .

  23. 她的贫穷对那两位殷勤的绅士而言,只是一个微不足道的缺点。

    Her poverty had been a venial fault for two gallant gentlemen .

  24. 英国绅士的地位仅次于贵族。

    The English gentry are next below the royalty .

  25. 我有一个朋友,是一位有修养的绅士。

    A friend of mine is a cultured gentleman .

  26. 这也许不该是绅士说的。

    Such words do not become a gentleman .

  27. 他是个十足的绅士。

    He is a perfect gentleman .

  28. 你们有哪位绅士愿意参加我们靠运气取胜的小游戏呢?

    Would any of you Gents care to join us in a little game of chance ?

  29. 一辆蓝鸟牌汽车停在门口,一位绅士搀扶着一位高个儿女士上了汽车。

    A new Bluebird stopped in front of the door , and a gentleman helped a tall lady in it .

  30. 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。

    He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet 's nonsense , verbiage and verse .