
  • 网络gentlemen;gentry
  1. 女士们和绅士们卖弄他们的美妙姿态、才智和魅力。

    Ladies and gentlemen paraded their fine manners , wit , and charm .

  2. 他十分有礼貌,所以绅士们很快就注意到了他,于是就让他帮忙擦亮靴子。

    He was so polite that gentlemen soon began to notice him , and to let him polish their boots .

  3. 伦敦萨维尔街(SavileRow)的绅士们称这种式样为乐队队长式,因为其夺人眼球的特色曾一度受到上世纪40年代汤米•道尔西(TommyDorsey)和其它重量级乐队队长的追捧。

    The gents in Savile Row call such a style the band-leader model because its eye-catching feature was once popular with Tommy Dorsey and other big band leaders of the 1940s .

  4. 我准备好了,绅士们,他对他们说。

    I am ready , gentlemen , he said to them .

  5. 我想这些绅士们已经检查完了。

    I think these gentlemen have finished for the time being .

  6. 绅士们爱金发女郎,在蓝精灵的世界也不例外。

    Gentlemen prefer blondes , and apparently Smurfs do , too .

  7. 醒来,绅士们!今晚怎么回事?

    Wake up , gentlemen , what 's wrong tonight ?

  8. 他至少跟绅士们有了来往沾了光。

    At least he 's had the advantage of associating with gentlemen .

  9. 哦,请绅士们说个话,300几尼。

    Oh , please let 's hear a gentlemen , 300 guineas .

  10. 好了,绅士们,快和你们的同伴摆好姿势。

    All right , gentlemen , please address your partners .

  11. 绅士们,我建议我们考虑一下这位女士的问题。

    Gentlemen , I propose that we consider the matter of this woman .

  12. 他目前并没有生活在绅士们当中,

    It was true that he was not at present living among gentlemen .

  13. 他的学识博得了一些牧师和其他绅士们的尊敬。

    He was respected for his learning by several churchmen and other gentlemen .

  14. 好啦绅士们欢迎来到萌狗集团

    All right , gentlemen . Welcome to puppy co

  15. 这些绅士们围着桌子坐着,样子都极端地无可非议。

    All round the table , the gentlemen looked unimpeachable in the extreme .

  16. 他说你帮了一些花大钱赌棒球的绅士们的忙。

    He says you did favors for gentlemen who bet extensively on baseball .

  17. 常常上层社会所谓的绅士们会来提亲。

    Occasionally some upper class gentlemen would come to her to propose marriage .

  18. 我的女性同胞们,我们的绅士们,

    So my fellow women and our gentle men ,

  19. 这些来自上流社会的绅士们今天在这里聚会。

    These gentlemen from the upper-class society are going to have a meeting here .

  20. 高尔夫球是绅士们玩的比赛。

    Golf is a game played by gentlemen .

  21. 绅士们,我们必须快马加鞭。

    We must ride for it , gentlemen .

  22. 淑女们披着皮裘,绅士们身着大衣,在这凛冽的严寒中欢天喜地地走来走去。

    Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the wintry air .

  23. 他们举起他们那粗黑的手,加在绅士们头上了。

    They have raised their rough , work-soiled hands and laid them on the gentry .

  24. 英国的绅士们总是不肯接近这个城市的粗人居住的地区。

    The English gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town .

  25. 我正在和这些绅士们谈话。

    I 'm talking with these gentlemen .

  26. 他们推挤年纪大的绅士们,那位绅士低头一看,他的表不见了。

    They hustled old gentlemen ; the old gentleman glances down , his watch is gone .

  27. 她是个上了年纪的女人,二十年来,邻近的许许多多上层社会的绅士们都是由她接生的。

    She was an old woman who for twenty years had brought the neighbouring gentry into the world .

  28. 前排的那些大腹便便的绅士们开始觉得她是一个可人的小东西。

    The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel .

  29. “对贵重物品引人注目的消费是享乐绅士们的声誉”(托斯丁·韦布伦)。

    " Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of repuability to the gentleman of leisure "( Thorstein Veblen ) .

  30. 请慢喝,绅士们.我把这瓶留给你们很高兴再见到�

    There you are , gentlemen . I will leave you the bottle . And it is good to see you .