
  • 网络certification system;certification scheme;accreditation system;certification program
  1. 新JIS标志认证制度介绍

    New JIS mark certification scheme

  2. 台湾GSP认证制度研究

    A Research on Taiwan GSP Certification System

  3. 随着我国加入WTO和实施强制性产品认证制度,电子产品的电磁兼容已经进入到实质性实施阶段。

    With joining the WTO and practice compulsory product attestation system , the electromagnetism compatibility of the electronics product have entered the materiality stage .

  4. 社会责任标准认证制度SA8000是继绿色壁垒之后,中国企业将面临的又一贸易壁垒,面对新的挑战,我国企业总成本领先的优势将不复存在。

    SA8000 is a trade barrier confronted by Chinese enterprises .

  5. SA8000是由1997年总部设在美国的社会责任国际(简称SAI)发起,起草并建立的一个企业社会责任标准认证制度。

    SA8000 is a standard sponsored and drafted by Social Accountability International , which quartered in America .

  6. 随着加入WTO,中国统一了众多行业的产品许可证认证制度,为此而实施强制性的CCC安全认证。

    With China joining WTO , many methods for checking license to product is unified to CCC . The CCC is compellent authentication to prove ability of manufacture for the product .

  7. 文章从经济法的视角对我国近年来逐步推行的药品生产质量管理规范(GMP)认证制度进行评析,指出其本身具备的经济法性质,分析其作为一项经济法律手段所存在的问题。

    This study explored the economy-law effects of the good manufacturing practice ( GMP ) for drugs in China and presented the limitation of GMP as economic law .

  8. 第四,合理构建高等职业教育体系,职业资格与学历教育并重,抓住加入WTO的机遇,完善资格认证制度,与国际资格认证接轨。

    Fourth , we should establish reasonable system of higher vocational education , grasp the chance of joining WTO , perfect the system of identification , and balance the position of professional qualification and diploma education to meet the international requirement .

  9. GMP认证制度是国家对药品生产企业监督检验的一种手段,也是保证药品质量的一种科学、先进的管理方法。

    GMP certification system is not only a kind of methods supervising pharmaceutical enterprises in our country , but also scientific and advanced management to guarantee drugs ' quality .

  10. 华南布局,首登羊城&麦德龙在华南区总部广州开首家现购自运商场SA8000是由1997年总部设在美国的社会责任国际(简称SAI)发起,起草并建立的一个企业社会责任标准认证制度。

    OVERALL ARRANGEMENT IN SOUTH CHINA , GUANGZHOU FIRST METRO Group SA8000 is a standard sponsored and drafted by Social Accountability International , which quartered in America .

  11. 相比而言,E大学外部保障制度尚不完善:实习督导制度缺乏职业标准统一、法制保障不完善;职业资格认证制度的资格界定模糊、与社会工作教育联系松散。

    In contrast , the external education quality assurance institutions are not perfect : practical supervisor institution lacks of uniform professional standards and inadequate legal protection ; vocational qualification certification institution has vaguely defined eligibility and is not closely linked with Social Work Education .

  12. SA8000是1997年由总部设在美国的社会责任国际(SocialAccountabilityInternational)(简称SAI)发起,联合欧美跨国公司和其他国际组织,起草并建立的一个企业社会责任标准认证制度。

    SA8000 , a standard procedure for approves enterprise 's social responsibility , was established in 1997 Social Accountability International ( SAI ) . based in America with joint efforts of Europe & America transnational corporation and other international organization .

  13. 美国高等教育认证制度面临的问题与挑战

    Challenges and Problems Confronted by the American Higher Education Accreditation System

  14. 专业认证制度实施中的路径依赖性分析

    On Path Dependence in the Implementation of Professional Programmatic Accreditation System

  15. 美国选择性教师资格认证制度实施现状初探

    Study of the implementation status of American alternative teacher qualification system

  16. 健全的法规与认证制度规范了营利性教育机构的发展。

    The development of such institutes needs law and accrediting association .

  17. 房地产经纪人资格认证制度的若干问题探讨

    On the Identification of the Authentic Qualification of Real Estate Agents

  18. 推进森林产品认证制度,实现商品林可持续经营;

    That forest certification should be advanced and sustainable management be realized ;

  19. 对如何建立我国汽车产品型式认证制度的探讨

    Discussion on the Establishment of Type-Approval System for China 's Auto Products

  20. 最后要实施生态旅游认证制度。

    The fourth , we must implement ecotourism Accreditation System .

  21. 浅议农产品质量认证制度模式

    Tentative discussion on the system patterns of quality certification of agricultural products

  22. 我国农产品认证制度及有机认证产品的发展趋势

    Agro - product Certification System and Organic Food in China

  23. 秘书国家职业资格认证制度的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Secretary 's National Vocational Qualification System

  24. 中文信息技术产品认证制度介绍

    Introduction of Certification System for Chinese Character Information Technology Product

  25. 刑事审判认证制度研究

    Research on the System of the Attestation of Criminal Judgment

  26. 试论国际化背景下职业资格认证制度的发展

    On the Development of Professional Qualification Recognition in the Background of Internationalization

  27. 农产品认证制度及其信号传递机制

    Certification Institution of Agri-product and the Mechanisms of Signaling

  28. 西方发达国家质量认证制度一览

    An Overview On Quality Certificate System Of Western Countries

  29. 对于专业性职业来说,实行职业资格认证制度十分必要。

    For professional occupations , professional certification is necessary .

  30. 选择性教师具有选择性吗?&兼论美国选择性教师资格认证制度现状与趋势

    American Alternative Teacher Qualification System : Status and Trend