
  • 网络Gravitational energy;attraction energy;Gravitational potential energy
  1. 质子的引力能先转化为辐射区域(以及与之相邻接区域)内的热能,然后再通过电子的热轫致辐射给出脉动相的硬X射线辐射。

    At first the gravitational energy of protons transforms into heat in radiative region and then the radiative region gives radiation in pulsating phase by bremsstrahlung of thermal electrons .

  2. 类星体和X射线双星等很多宇宙中的天体系统的能量都来源于引力能,而吸积正是释放引力能的一种有效机制。

    Gravitational energy is the energy source of many astrophysical systems in the universe , such as quasar and X-ray binaries , etc , and accretion is an effective mechanism of releasing gravitational energy .

  3. 我们发现,二阶Lovelock修正项的存在会改变星体的热能与引力能,以及来自星体表面的辐射谱的红移上限。

    It turns out that the presence of the second order Lovelock term changes thermal and gravitational energies , and the upper bound of the red shift of spectral lines from the surface of stars .

  4. 弯曲时空释放引力能的新机制

    A new mechanism of the releasing gravitational energy in curved space-time

  5. 引力能就是电势能,库伦电势。

    The attractive energy is just the potential energy , Coulombic potential .

  6. 净能量是排斥能,和引力能的总和。

    The net energy is the sum of the repulsive and the attractive .

  7. 电子的引力能通过电子的轫致辐射转化为爆发相的辐射能。

    The gravitational energy of electrons transforms into radiation in burst phase through bremsstrahlung of electrons .

  8. 当宇宙的尺度加倍,物质和引力能都加倍&这样,零的两倍仍为零。

    Once the size of the universe is doubled , both matter energy and gravitation energy double correspondingly .

  9. 理论上它看起来很不错质量是地球的三位,岩石表面并有足够的引力能吸引住大气层。

    On paper it looks good three times the mass of the earth with possibly a rocky surface and enough gravity to hold on to an atmosphere .

  10. 理论上它看起来很不错——质量是地球的三位,岩石表面并有足够的引力能吸引住大气层。

    On paper it looks good - three times the mass of the Earth with possibly a rocky surface and enough gravity to hold on to an atmosphere .

  11. 如果他是一只跳蚤,那么他就可以跳到862.5英尺高的空中。这必将成为对抗地心引力能跳到的最高记录。

    If he were a flea , then he would be able to jump 862.5 feet into the air , which would be defying gravity to the highest extent .

  12. 该结论跟另外的一个理论相反,那个理论认为:气体冷却的时候会释放引力能,使气体亮起来,这种结构中没有黑洞。

    The conclusion runs counter to the alternate theory that the gas lights up as it cools to release gravitational energy & with no black holes in the picture .

  13. 引力子三顶点与引力自能的曲率激发

    Curvature Excitation of Three - Graviton Vertex and of Lowest-Order Graviton Self-energy

  14. 旋转体是一架通过自转把引力束缚能转换为电磁辐射的巨大机器。

    The spinar is a gigantic machine converting gravitational binding energy into electromagnetic radiation by means of rotation .

  15. 采用的电化学自身再生抑制器,由连续电解水产生抑制淋洗液所需要的H+或者OH-,加上电场引力,能用于高容量分离柱所用的淋洗液浓度和梯度淋洗。

    Amounts of H + and OH - required to suppress the eluent were supplied by an electrochemical self-generating suppressor through continuous electrolysis of water .

  16. 一场里氏15级的地震释放出来的能量有将近1032焦耳能量,约相当于地球的引力结合能。

    A magnitude 15 earthquake would involve the release of almost 1032 joules of energy , which is roughly the gravitational binding energy of the Earth .

  17. 另外,根据相对论,时空是一起被弯曲的,我们已经知道变化是时间的主体,我很想知道引力如何能扭曲“变化。”

    We have already known that change is the subject of time , and I really want to know how the gravitation would curve the " change . "

  18. 多数这些好象是很统一,因此靠维里法则总动能应该是星系总引力聚合能的一半。

    Many of these appear to be fairly uniform , so by the virial theorem the total kinetic energy should be half the total gravitational binding energy of the galaxies .

  19. 但在16周时,她的子宫颈再次开始出现问题,她被限制在床上,她的脚向上,以期望引力作用能使她的孩子呆在里面。

    But at16 weeks her cervix began to collapse again and she was confined to bed , with her feet up , in the hope that gravity might keep her baby inside .

  20. 太阳的引力结合能比地球更高,可能会发生里氏20级的阳震(虽然这可能会引发毁灭性的新星爆发)。已知宇宙范围内威力最大的震动发生在一颗质量极大的中子星上,震级就约为20级。

    The Sun , with its higher gravitational binding energy , could have a magnitude 20 quake ( although it would certainly trigger some kind of a catastrophic nova ) . The most powerful quakes in the known universe , which occur in the material in a superheavy neutron star , are about this magnitude .

  21. 毕竟,如果我们能探测到引力波,能发送探测器到彗星上,那我们为什么就不能将垃圾送到离我们最近的星球上去呢?

    After all , if we can detect gravitational waves , or send a probe to land on a comet , surely we can send some rubbish to our nearest star ?

  22. 黑洞的万有引力很强,能把光线吸进去。

    Their gravitational pull is so strong , they absorb light .

  23. 由自引力支配的负能谱系统的稳定性

    Stability of the Negative Energy Spectrum Controlled by the Self-Gravitations

  24. 被称为地心引力牵引器将能处于一个离具有威胁的小行星附近,施加一个小的拉力,长时间下去,就可以让小行星拉离轨道。

    The so-called Gravity Tractor could maintain a position near the threatening asteroid , exerting a gentle tug that , over time , would deflect the asteroid .