
nèi zài
  • inherent;inherence;intrinsic;built-in;inward;inbuilt
内在 [nèi zài]
  • [built-in;inbuilt;inherent;intrinsic] 事物自身所固有的

  • 内在的优点

  • 内在的刺激

内在[nèi zài]
  1. 他的论据中存在很多的内在矛盾。

    There are so many inherent contradictions in his arguments .

  2. 科学哲学和西方经济学之间存在着内在一致性和思想方法论关联。

    There are inherent consistencies and relations of ideal methodology between philosophy of science and western economics .

  3. 据信她两年内在银行存了1000万英镑。

    She is believed to have banked £ 10 million in two years .

  4. 不过,缺乏的是一种内在的艺术凝聚力。

    What is missing , however , is an internal , artistic cohesion

  5. 这些油画除了作为古董,本身没有什么内在价值。

    The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities

  6. 速度由诸如地面坡度这样的内在因素决定。

    The rate is determined by intrinsic qualities such as the land 's slope .

  7. 这位公主一周之内在同一路段上两次因超速行驶被告发。

    The Princess was reported for speeding twice on the same road within a week .

  8. 我们对异性的吸引程度更多的来自内在的自信,而不是长相。

    Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look

  9. 其他人认为,我们的大脑对什么东西是“悦耳的”在某种程度上有其内在的标准。

    Others think that the rules for what is ' musical ' are hard-wired in our brains to some degree .

  10. 推行项目经理负责制是施工项目管理的内在依据。

    Executing the responsibilities of project manager is the key of project management .

  11. 他认为外表美与内在美是一致的。

    He identifies beauty with goodness .

  12. 性格是内在的。

    The character is intrinsic .

  13. 她最爱寻根究底,寻求事物隐蔽、内在的缘由。

    She liked to get to the root of a matter and find out its hidden and internal causes .

  14. 通过创造内在的与外在的恢复期而为自己提供资源,让自己坚强起来。

    Give yourself the resources to be tough by creating internal and external recovery periods .

  15. 直觉上的回答是,有些艺术作品就是伟大的:它们具有内在的优越品质。

    The intuitive answer is that some works of art are just great : of intrinsically superior quality .

  16. 一件艺术品的内在品质似乎开始成为它最不重要的属性。

    The intrinsic quality of a work of art is starting to seem like its least important attribute .

  17. 如果你想在工作中增进复原力,那么你就需要足够的内在与外在的恢复期。

    If you 're trying to build resilience at work , you need adequate internal and external recovery periods .

  18. 第一次尝试体育锻炼和节食后,她减轻了些体重,并发现了一种内在的力量。

    First trying physical exercise and dieting , she lost some weight and discovered an inner strength .

  19. 爱是内在的,它让生活变得坚强和温暖。

    Love is inside , making life strong and warm .

  20. 我的出走是要避开各种外在的和内在的威胁

    My flight was more a shunning of external and internal dangers .

  21. 从更阴暗的角度看,这个世界的幸福观具有内在的反民主倾向。

    More sinisterly , the happiness view of the world has tendencies that are inherently anti-democratic .

  22. 依此类推另一个种族侮辱是香蕉,黄皮肤的外表和白人的内在。

    A corollary slur is banana , yellow ( Asian ) on the outside and white on the inside .

  23. 因此,有这种特质的黑人就叫奥利奥,外表是黑皮肤,内在和白人一样。

    Therefore , a black who possesses these traits is an oreo , white on the inside and black on the outside .

  24. 其次,对近年来从分层强化学习中发展出来的option算法,结合内在激励思想,尝试性地将其应用到机器人足球中的踢球技术、截球技术和配合技术中去。

    Second , the option algorithm and intrinsic reinforcement learning is used to prove the kick technology , intercept technology and cooperate technologies .

  25. 方法采用紫外可见分光光度仪等先进设备检测临床结肠癌标本中氧自由基中间产物MDA含量,进而分析氧自由基与结肠癌发病的内在联系。

    Methods Using ultraviolet visible light spectrometer to determine the content of oxygen free radical in colonic cancer cell .

  26. 任何过程参数都与其它参数存在着必然的内在联系,在一定运行范围内,ANN通过学习,可掌握在该范围内各参数间的联系规律。

    Under certain operation conditions , by learning , the ANN can know the internal relations which exist between parameters in a process .

  27. 由于网络上信息的本质特性和XML数据内在的灵活性,很多用XML编码的数据都是半结构化的。

    Due to the nature of information on the Web and the inherent flexibility of XML , it is expected that much of the data encoded in XML will be semi-structured .

  28. 反对垄断、维护竞争,是市场经济的内在需求,是WTO规则的实质性要求,也是当今世界经济发展的主旋律。

    Fighting against monopoly to protect competition is the instinct demand of market economy , the reflection of WTO regulations , also the melody of the times in the world .

  29. 单用的名词同语式N是N根据内在结构的不同,我们把它分为两类主谓结构的名词同语式和紧缩结构的名词同语式。

    According to different internal structures , single use of the same word form of nouns N is N can be divided into two kinds : the subject-predicate structure and the tight structure .

  30. 首次引入了任意Hilbert空间H上酉系统U的Bessel向量、框架向量与Riesz向量,揭示了这些向量的内在结构性质。

    The definitions of Bessel vector , frame vector and Riesz vector in an arbitrary Hilbert space H. were introduced and their inner configuration was characterized .