
  • 网络binary structure model
  1. 乔根森对二元结构模型又做了进一步发展。

    Dual structure model had developed by Jorgenson .

  2. 将刘易斯的二元结构模型与英国的发展道路相比较可以发现:刘易斯的二元结构模型的实质就是发达资本主义国家用工业化带动农业现代化1的发展道路。

    To compare dualistic structure model of Lewis ' with development path looks of Britain , we can find that , dualistic structure of Lewis model essence their whether developed capitalist country drive development path of agricultural modernization with industrialization .

  3. 然后应用了三种具有代表性的二元经济结构模型理论、城市化发展进程S曲线理论和收入预期理论对农民市民化进行理论分析;

    Then applied three representative dual economic structure model theory , urbanization development process " s " curve theory and the theory of income for farmers is expected to conduct theoretical analysis of the public ;

  4. 竞争力二元结构与成长模型:一个外生的视角

    The Binary Structure and Growth Model of Company Competitiveness : An External Angel

  5. 独立董事制度的引进是中国二元公司治理结构模型的一大创新。

    Introduction of the independent director system is an innovation of the governance model in binary companies in China .

  6. 经济学家们提出了各种二元经济结构转换模型,在一定程度上揭示了二元经济结构转换的规律,但也存在各种缺陷。

    Economist proposed various kinds of model of transference of the binary economic structure . It reveals laws of the transference of the binary economic structure to a certain extent , but there are various kinds of defects .

  7. 本文的理论依据是在西方国家影响巨大的刘易斯二元结构理论和托达罗模型以及成本收益模型,并对其进行分析比较,从中得出有益的启示。

    The thesis ' theories according as the Louis duality structure theory and Todaro model that have large effect in western country and cost-income model .

  8. 为此,许多经济学家提出了二元经济结构的转化模型,通过各种政策措施推进二元经济结构的转化。

    So many economists suggested the transformation model of the dual economic structure . The dual economic structure was transformed by various policies and measures .