
èr jìn zhì yùn suàn
  • Binary operation;binary arithmetic
  1. 所有的二进制运算都可以用与,或,非来表示成布尔代数。

    Binary arithmetic could all be expressed in terms of Boolean algebra , using AND , OR , and NOT .

  2. 二进制算术运算;二进制运算;二进制运算操作二进制算术运算类似调用同一个类的两个参数,然后返回那个类,但是,语法有些不同。

    Binary arithmetic operators behave like a function call that accepts two parameters of the same type , and then return that type ; however , the syntax is slightly different .

  3. 堆栈滤波器的特点是具有阈值分解和堆栈特性,这两个重要性质将滤波过程转化到二进制运算,易于VLSI并行实现。

    These two important properties ensure that thefiltering go on in binary filed only with easy comparison , addition and multiplication , which allow an efficient VLSI implementation .

  4. 主要研究二进制域运算在DSP上的实现。

    This paper mainly discusses how to implement binary field arithmetics on DSP .

  5. 二进制域运算在DSP上的优化

    Optimizing Binary Field Arithmetics on DSP

  6. 四位二进制乘法运算仿真单元及其应用

    The imitating real unit of four & bit binary numbers multiplication and its application

  7. 其中位图索引因为其结构简单,并且硬件支持二进制位运算效率很高,被广泛应用在数据仓库中。

    Bitmap index is widely used in the data warehouse because of its simple structure and its high efficiency of logic operation .

  8. 由周期对应的不同分组初始值,产生3个离散数字混沌序列并进行同步二进制乘法运算,获得长周期的离散数字混沌序列。

    The longer period sequence was obtained by exclusive OR operation through three discrete digital chaos sequences generated from initial values in different groups with different periods .

  9. 本文介绍了一种在微处理器中用二进制定点运算和查表相结合的方法简单实现三角函数和反三角函数运算的方法。

    This paper introduces a computation method of trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions in microprocessor by usr of combination binary fixed point operation with look-up table .

  10. 本文提出了一种能实时完成二进制逻辑运算的光学并行处理系统,并给出了作为半加法器的实验结果。

    A real time optical logic processor is presented , that can perform binary logic operations in parallel . Experimental result is given of the system as a half adder .

  11. 讨论二进制开方运算的过程以及利用CPLD/FPGA进行开方运算硬件电路的设计思想和实现方案。

    This paper introduces the procedure of extraction based on binary code , and the ways to implement the procedure in the CPLD / FPGA device with the HDL description .

  12. 本文介绍了一种基于二进制矩阵迭代运算的确定当前时刻CDMA长码状态的快速算法,对其性能进行了仿真和分析。

    This paper presents a new CDMA long code fast computing method based in binary matrix recursive operation .

  13. 研究了怎样利用基于TOAD的光开关来设计全光集成电路,从而进行二进制加减法运算。

    We try to exploit the advantages of TOAD-based optical switch to design an integrated all-optical circuit which can perform binary addition and subtraction .

  14. 快速二进制补码平方运算算法及结构

    A fast algorithm and structure of the binary complement square function

  15. 基于二进制的集合运算研究

    Sets Operation Based on Binary

  16. 然后本文分别研究了在采用二维表的形式和链式结构来存储信息粒下,利用二进制粒位运算提取频繁项目集来发现关联规则。

    Then we researched the methods of mining frequent items to get association rules using binary granules with two-dimension table and link structure .

  17. 我们采用与十进制运算对比的办法来介绍二进制数的运算方法。基于改进渐进空间映射算法的滤波器设计

    Let us look at parallels between arithmetic using binary numbers and arithmetic using decimal numbers . A Filter Design Method Based on Improved Aggressive

  18. 第二个DNA代数运算模式是关于数制的转换,因为二进制的DNA代数运算模型结果较多,所以当数制的互换问题解决以后,可以间接的解决其他进制数的代数运算。

    The second Algebra DNA-based Computation model is about numeral switch . Because many results is about the DNA-based Computation model of bi-system , when the question of numeral switch is done , we can indirectly resolve Algebra DNA-based Computation model of other numeral system .

  19. 提出了一种用于数据挖掘的二进制挖掘算法,适用于大型数据仓库的挖掘与分析,其基本原理是运用二进制逻辑与运算,从其多属性值域中抽取关键信息,形成决策规则。

    This paper proposes a binary mining algorithm used in data mining that is suitable to mining and analysis of the huge data houses . The basic principle is abstract related information from many properties-value with binary logic " and " operator , so as to concludes decide rules .