
èr jìn zhì shù
  • binary number;binary numeral
  1. 不管是哪种情况,都可以将CA的一行作为二进制数相加。

    In either case , you can code up a row of the CA as a binary number .

  2. 本文提出了一种将无符号的二进制数转换为十进制小数(BCD码表示)的方法。

    This paper discusses the method of a unsigned binary number to decimal fixed-point fraction ( express at BCD )

  3. 计算机以二进制数进行计算,而后把计算结果转换为十进制数。

    The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal .

  4. 还记得吗,我们上次看过的二进制数,从2到n是一个很大的数。

    Remember , we saw that last time looking at the binary numbers . 2 to the n is a big number .

  5. 大数目N的神经元网络存储多个图形,其大小是N个二进制数。

    The net of large numbers N of neurons stores many patterns , the size of a paterns is N binary digits .

  6. 但由于采用传统器件设计转换速度不高,为此,在十进制数转化为二进制数的数学原理基础上提出一种采用新型器件的ADC电路设计方法。

    In the paper , a design method of ADC with new devices is presented based on the mathematical principle of converting decimal digit to binary digit .

  7. 如您所见,可以用一个二进制数表示一个规则,可以用一个整数表示CA细胞在给定步数时的状态。

    A binary number , as you 've seen , can be used to represent a rule , and an integer can be used to represent the state of a CA cell at a given step .

  8. Alpha通道是图形图像学中的一个名词,其意思是采用8位二进制数存储于图像文件中代表各像素点透明度的附加信息。

    Alpha channel , a concept of graphics , refers to storing graphical files in the form of 8-digit binary digits which represent additional information of the transparence of each PIX .

  9. 本文叙述了在APPLEⅡ微机上建立图形库的方法,着重介绍了将二进制数表示的绘图向量组合并转换成十六进制数的程序,提供了程序清单。

    In this paper a method of hov to establish shape base in APPLE-I computer is described . It chiefly gives the program , in which plotting vectors indicated by binary numbers are combined and changed into hexadecimal numbers .

  10. 本文对Trimble4000s系列单双频GPS接收机的数据结构进行了深入的研究,然后将原始的编码二进制数解码,并组成了GPS数据处理所需的观测值。

    In this paper , the data structure of Trimble 4000s single and dual-frequency GPS receivers is studied in detail , then the raw coded binary data are decoded , and the observables needed by GPS data-processing are generated .

  11. 从RNS到二进制数的输入输出转换是基于余数算法的专用架构实现的关键。本文提出了一个基于N类模的RNS与有符号二进制量的通用转换算法在FPGAs的乘法器上的实现过程。

    Generally , the output conversion from residue to binary is the crucial point in effective realizations of application specific architectures based on residual arithmetic .

  12. 对任一长度为能被2整除的N原序列,求其倒序后的输入序列时,只涉及倒序十进制和顺序十进制数,不用对二进制数进行转换。

    For N original sequence of either length divided exactly by 2 , input time sequence was counted after inversed order of N original sequence . It only relates to inversed order Decimal and ordinal Decimal digits , did not transform Binary digit .

  13. 文章重点介绍了CGM文件二进制数编码的解析浏览及转换方法,文件的解析采用线性顺序与命令参数匹配结合的方式进行,既考虑了文档的完整性又不会明显降低解析效率。

    The article point introduces the parsing of the CGM document binary system code for browse and editor method based on Carnac .

  14. 文章从普通的两数之间的交换到十进制数与二进制数的转换以及位检测与位改写出发,列举了C语言位运算功能的一些妙用,从而进一步突出了C语言在计算机高级语言中的重要地位。

    This paper gives the application tips of C language in bit operations by enumerating its operations such as variable exchange , number conversion between decimal and binary system , bit detecting and bit rewriting . Furthermore , C language status in the high-level computer languages is emphasized .

  15. 用BCD码,可以将十进制数的每一位转换成相等的二进制数,而不是将整个十进制数转换成纯二进制数的形式。

    With BCD , it 's possible to convert each decimal number into its binary equivalent rather than convert the entire decimal value into a pure binary form .

  16. 本文给出了8N位二进制数串行通讯扩展接口板的设计。

    This paper presents the design of extended interface in serial communication with 8N-bit binary number .

  17. 本文提出了一种以SD(SingedDigit)数表示的求和计算方法,克服了传统的二进制数表示求和过程中产生的进位对运算速度的限制。

    A novel additive arithmetic algorithm using radix-2 signed-digit ( SD ) number representation is presented . It can resolve the problem that speed of arithmetic operations is limited by carry propagation in a conventional binary system .

  18. 在设计中利用了振荡源输出方波这一特性,实现了8N位二进制数的寄存及移位。

    The shift and mnemonics for 8N-bit binary number can be achieved by the square waves from an oscillator in design .

  19. 本文通过指纹签到系统介绍了用VB和动态连接库DLL的连接方法,二进制数的传送方法,以及具体的编程。

    This article introduced the method for the linking of DLL , and the binary data transfer . Also it mentioned the programming in details . Its are programed with VB , and as an example , it is a fingerprint undersigned system .

  20. 基于二进制数计算相似度的高属性维稀疏数据聚类方法

    High Dimensional Sparse Feature Data Clustering Algorithm Based on Binary Computation

  21. 小程序:将给定的十进制数转换成为二进制数。

    Applet : a given number of decimal conversion become binary .

  22. 我们试一试,把这个数本身变成二进制数。

    Let us try converting the number itself to binary .

  23. 用二进制数对递次衰变链的衰变路径进行编码。

    The decay pathways in successive decay chain were coded with binary digits .

  24. 用二进制数代表字符的标准码中的任何一个。

    Any member of the standard code for representing characters by binary numbers .

  25. 一个二进制数,或者说一位信息,则能使一个事件的概率变成2倍。

    a binary digit or bit of information made something twice as definite .

  26. “累积行到二进制数”的映射

    " Cumulative row to binary number " mapping

  27. 求二进制数的乘方和开方的方法有多种。

    There are various ways of obtaining the powers and roots of binary numbers .

  28. 一些转换器用无符号二进制数类型,其他转换器使用有符号二进制补码数据。

    Some converters use unsigned-binary-data types ; other converters use two 's-complement signed data .

  29. 操作数可以是变量,还可以是十进制、十六进制、八进制或二进制数。

    Operands can be variables or decimal , hexadecimal , octal , or binary numbers .

  30. 提出了一种新的基于实数和二进制数统一编码的改进遗传算法。

    A new genetic algorithm based on the real-coding and binary coding is put forward .