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dài dòng
  • drive;promote;power;spur on;bring about;set the pace;put in motion
带动 [dài dòng]
  • (1) [power;drive;bring about;spur on;set the pace]∶用动力使相关机件运动

  • 带动车轮

  • (2) [promote]∶带头引导着前进

  • 带动全国人民奔小康

带动[dài dòng]
  1. 我们试着用柴油机来带动水泵。

    We experimented with diesel engines to drive the pumps .

  2. 运动控制是由电机带动XY平台来实现的,步进电机能够将控制器发出的脉冲信号变为XY平台的位移。

    Movement control realized by stepping motor drive X-Y table movement .

  3. 《你好!》杂志带动了许多效仿它的刊物问世。

    The magazine ‘ Hello ! ’ gave rise to a number of me-too publications .

  4. 一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。

    One group of muscles sets the next group in motion

  5. 这可能会带动消费性支出和一大批消费工业的复苏。

    This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries .

  6. 这个大齿轮带动小齿轮使滚筒旋转。

    This large gear turns the small one to rotate the cylinder .

  7. 经济区域对经济的带动作用是显著的。

    The driving roll of economic regions to economy is remarkable .

  8. 这个大齿轮带动那个小齿轮。

    This large gear turns the small one .

  9. 收入水平,养老金体制,经济实绩和医疗教育稳步改善,在各方面良性发展的带动下,联邦政府已十分接近预期的经济目标。

    In the light of improvements to wages , pensions , economic performance , education and health care , the German government is now " really close to reaching " its goals for Eastern germany , it said .

  10. 越来越多中国影视作品把在海外取景地点选在新西兰,这里优美的自然风光和纯朴民风给中国观众留下美好印象,相信将带动更多中国民众前来新西兰旅游。

    New Zealand is a popular filming location for more and more Chinese TV and film producers .

  11. 它还可能帮助人们进一步理解疼痛的机制并带动新治疗方法的发展。

    It could also shine a light on the mechanisms2 of pain and lead to the development of new treatments .

  12. 我们要牢固树立亚太命运共同体意识,以自身发展带动他人发展,以协调联动最大限度发挥各自优势,传导正能量,形成各经济体良性互动、协调发展的格局。

    We should strengthen the sense of community of common destiny , contribute to other 's development with that of one 's own , tap fully development among all economies .

  13. 近日,国家发展改革委等六部门印发《关于支持民营企业加快改革发展与转型升级的实施意见》,旨在激发民营企业活力和创造力,进一步为民营企业发展创造公平竞争环境,带动扩大就业。

    Released by the National Development and Reform Commission and five other central departments , the guideline aims to further stimulate the private sector 's vitality and creativity , create a fair business environment and create more jobs .

  14. “胡子月”的概念始于2003年,当时一群澳洲男子想出了这个点子,想藉此让全世界每位男性在11月蓄胡子,重新带动一股复古时尚风潮。

    The idea for Movember started in 2003 , when a group of Australian men came up with the idea of reviving an old fashion trend by having every guy in the world grow a mustache in November .

  15. 各地都在积极创造条件吸引FDI以形成本地的产业集群,带动本地经济的发展。

    All regions actively attract FDI to develop local industry clusters so that can promote local economic development .

  16. 中国对欧洲的出口强劲增长,直接带动了CE认证服务行业的发展。

    China 's strong growth in exports to Europe drives the development of the CE certification service industries directly .

  17. 结果表明,所提出的算法在收敛速度等方面大大优于通常的BP(反向传播)算法、带动量项的BP算法以及其他的一些改进的算法。

    The results show that the proposed algorithm improves considerably on the convergence speed of the general back-propagation algorithms , including when using momentum , and other improved algorithms .

  18. 云计算开辟了Internet发展的新时代,将带动软件、硬件、通信和物联网等产业的繁荣,是人类社会实现智慧地球的一个里程碑。

    Opening up a new era of Internet , Cloud computing will drive software , hardware , communication and networking industry prosperity , which is a milepost that the human society realizes the " Intelligent Earth " .

  19. 进入了新的世纪,中国加入WTO,天津水产集团需要新的发展思路,以应对国内外的竞争,带动天津市水产行业发展。

    With the coming of new century and China entering into WTO , the group needs new ideas to cope with the competition worldwide in order to stimulate the development of Tianjin seafood industry .

  20. 区域网络制造系统的主要形式为以龙头企业带动的动态企业联盟和面向中小企业的ASP应用服务系统。

    The main modes of Regional Networked Manufacturing are dynamic enterprise alliance propelled by important enterprise in industry and Application Service Provider ( ASP ) system middle and small enterprise oriented .

  21. 出口退税率变动影响出口商品需求量,带动GDP变动,转变贸易增长方式。实行差别退税率优化产业结构和地区经济结构调整。

    The fluctuation of the rate of the refunded tax on exports will influence the demands of exports , invite the change of GDP and transform the way of the increase of trade .

  22. 在PC市场增长逐渐趋缓之后,通信类芯片成为IC市场新的增长点,将带动IC产业的持续发展。

    After the booming PC market growth slows down , the communications chip has become a new growth area in the IC market and will bring along the sustained development of the IC industry .

  23. 信息产业的发展需要Internet的发展来带动,Web技术是Internet的核心技术,研究基于Web的信息管理系统开发技术,是利用Internet技术开发新一代信息管理系统的重要组成部分。

    Study how to design the MIS basing no web technique , is the most important part of building new MIS with internet technique , because the development of the information industry needs the Internet development to arouse , and the web technique is an internet core technique .

  24. 采用三次谐波励磁的同步发电机,通过AVR电路产生稳定的380V三相交流电,可以带动打磨机、空气压缩机等功率较大的电动工具;

    It can generate a steady 380 V three phase alternating current through an AVR circuit , and can drive heavy electric tools such as polisher , air compressor and so on .

  25. 该设备控制拖动电机带动J5发电机转动来模拟列车运行工况,同时显示相关工作状态。

    This equipment can control speed of the dragged motor to simulate the train running condition , meanwhile display the related operating state .

  26. 在市场日益竞争激烈的情况下,4P组合塑造品牌,品牌资源成为企业竞争的有力手段,但要长期维护品牌资源,带动企业经济发展,是理论界和企业中应该思考的问题。

    Under the situation of fierce market competition , famous brand resource has become forceful means of enterprise . It is a problem for theoretical circle and enterprises to think over how to protect brand resources and how to make enterprise economy develop .

  27. 发挥咨询先行作用带动我国国际工程承包事业的发展

    Develop China 's International Construction Contracting with the Driving of Consulting

  28. 她们可带动家庭和社区摆脱贫困。

    They can lift households and communities out of poverty .

  29. 带动新型建材产业的发展。

    Helping the development of related sectors of the building material industry .

  30. 四是林业缺乏科技支撑和企业的带动。

    Four is the forestry lacks the technical strut and enterprise 's impetus .