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wù liú
  • logistics;circulation of materials
  1. 物流目前在我们这一行比技术还重要。

    Logistics is now more important in our industry than technology .

  2. 搞如此大型的巡演,无论是技术上还是物流上都面临着巨大的实际问题。

    The skills and logistics of getting such a big show on the road pose enormous practical problems

  3. 可能是物流问题造成了延误。

    Logistical problems may be causing the delay

  4. 第六部分,物流成本控制的绩效评价

    Chapter six discusses the appraisement of controlling logistics cost .

  5. 观测结果为泥沙量巨大的沉积物流的触发形式提供了至关重要的新见解。

    The observations provide critical new insights on how these huge sediment8 flows are triggered .

  6. 物流公司应制定包装标准,培训快递员按规定进行包装,以减少浪费,避免过度包装。

    Logistics companies must draw up packaging standards and train couriers to wrap packages accordingly to reduce waste and avoid over-packaging .

  7. 要求物流及交通服务顺畅运行,满足就地过年群众的购物、休闲、娱乐需求。

    Smooth logistics and transport services should meet the needs for shopping , recreation , and entertainment of people who stay where they work during the holiday .

  8. 这项新研究指出,假如服装租赁公司把自己的物流系统变得更环保,那么租赁对环境的影响将和转售相当。

    The new study suggests that if rental companies change their logistics to make them more climate friendly , renting would , environmentally , be on a level with reselling .

  9. 到本世纪中叶,全面建成现代化高质量国家综合立体交通网,拥有世界一流的交通基础设施体系。其中提出“全国123出行交通圈”和“全球123快货物流圈”两个概念。

    By the middle of the century , a modern , high-quality and comprehensive national transport network will be built in an all-round way , with a world-class transport infrastructure system .

  10. 按照合作协议,双方将利用消费者数据资源将线下门店、商品、物流以及支付工具整合起来,提供更好的整体消费体验。

    Under the deal , the duo would leverage7 their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores , merchandise , logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience .

  11. 我看得太多,很多所谓的名女人都是“国际物流”,背后就拖着几大箱集装箱,里面什么都没有,就是“装”着。

    I have seen too many famous women who are " international logistics " essentially12 . They are towed with a number of big containers , which are all empty but they pretend they are not .

  12. WebServices技术在物流上的应用

    Web Services technique in logistics application

  13. INTERNET与电子商务和物流

    INTERNET Electronic Commerce and Logistics

  14. GIS与物流信息系统集成技术研究

    GIS and Logistics Information System Integration Technology

  15. GIS在物流配送应用中的研究

    On Application of GIS in Logistics Distribution

  16. 物流系统供货商选择的AHP评价与决策方法

    Logistical System Supplier Choosing AHP Evaluation and Decision-making Method

  17. 基于J2EE的邮政物流信息系统研究与设计

    J2EE-Based Post Logistics Information System Research and Design

  18. 这个模型主要由购物网站、商家和物流公司三类分布式Web系统组成。

    This model is main to constitute with three distributed web system ( the shopping website , goods provided company , Physical Distribution company ) .

  19. 最后结合物流和库存管理的流程,设计实现RFID中间件原型系统。

    Finally with Logistics and inventory management process , design and realize RFID middleware prototype system .

  20. 应用现场IE再造生产物流

    Applying on-the-spot IE to Rebuild Productive Logistics

  21. 尤其是进入WTO后,我国的物流行业在经过合理过渡期后,将取消大部分外国股权限制,外国物流企业将进入我国市场,势必给国内物流企业带来巨大冲击。

    Especially entering WTO , after our logistics industry come by reasonable transition period , it will cancel most limitations of foreign stock authority .

  22. SWOT分析模型在乌鲁木齐邮政物流企业发展战略选择中的应用

    Application of SWOT Analysis Model to the Development Strategic Selection of Post Logistics Enterprises in Urumqi

  23. 逆向物流具有时滞的一个EOQ扩展订货模型

    An Extended EOQ Model Based on Reverse Logistics with Lagged Time

  24. 营销管理,渠道管理,物流与供应链管理(3PL),零售等。

    Marketing Management , Channel Management , Logistics and supply chain Management ( 3PL ), Retailing .

  25. 随着中国加入WTO,并且在全球经济的驱动下和中国西部大开发政策的吸引下,西安将吸引更多的外资物流企业入驻。

    Xi'an city will attract more and more foreign logistics companies along with China accessing to WTO on logistics industries , driving of global economy and attracting by the " Open Great Northwest " policy of China government .

  26. WTO以后,港口不仅仅是货物转运中心和工业生产基地,同时也是现代物流网络体系的重要组成部分,在现代综合物流中的地位十分重要。

    After WTO , the port is not only a transportation center of goods and industrial production base , but also the very important component of logistics service network system , the position in the modern comprehensive logistics is very important .

  27. 阐述了建设物流互联网的必要性、物流互联网的功能和作用以及物流互联网的效益,提出了打造Internet物流互联网品牌应采取的措施。

    This paper expounds the necessity of constructing the goods and materials flow internet , the functions and benefits of the goods and materials flow internet , and puts forward some measures should be taken for modeling the brand of the goods and materials flow internet .

  28. 研究了物流服务中企业不重视各个客户的成本分配现状,分析了传统的物流成本核算法的弊端,介绍了ABC法的概念和原理,将ABC法应用于物流服务并给出实例。

    The status that enterprises ignore the service cost in logistics service was studied . The shortage of the traditional logistics costing was analyzed and the activity based costing in logistics service costing was introduced . The basic theory of ABC was presented .

  29. 库存,存储,存货,运输过程,物流

    Inventory , storage , stocks , transport processes , materials flow

  30. 再次,研究农村物流网络优化的模型和算法。

    Thirdly , research rural logistics network optimization models and algorithms .