
bì sè
  • block;occlude;out-of-the-way;close up;unenlightened;stop up;hard to get to
闭塞 [bì sè]
  • (1) [stop up;close up]∶堵塞不通

  • 闭塞眼睛捉麻雀

  • 管道闭塞

  • (2) [block]∶以闭塞信号系统管理 [火车]

  • (1) [hard to get to;out-of-the-way]∶交通不便;偏僻

  • 以前这一带交通闭塞

  • (2) [unenlightened]∶消息不灵通

  • 消息闭塞

闭塞[bì sè]
  1. 第二是人一旦伤风感冒,鼻子就会闭塞,什么也闻不出来了!

    Second is the human once catches cold cold , the nose can stop up , any also could not hear !

  2. 以前这一带交通闭塞。

    In the past this district was very hard to get to .

  3. 这个机构将沦落为华盛顿闭塞落后之地。

    This agency will be relegated to the backwaters of Washington

  4. 我都快忘了,伦敦有时看上去会多么地闭塞。

    I 've quite forgotten how closed in London can seem

  5. 你想在一个闭塞落后的小镇上过一辈子吗?

    Would you want to live in a small , one-horse town for your whole life ?

  6. 这四个贼臣弄权,嫉贤妒能,闭塞贤路。

    These four crooked ministers are jealous of real talent and block righteous conduct .

  7. 大脑动脉闭塞的CT诊断(附36例分析)

    CT Diagnosis of Cerebral Arteries Occlusion ( Analysis 36 Cases )

  8. 基于可编程序控制器的CHECK方式闭塞子系统

    A Check Model Block Sub-system Based on Train Programmable Controller

  9. 急性脑静脉闭塞模型的CT灌注成像与病理学评价

    Evaluation of Acute Experimental Cerebral Venous Occlusion with CT Perfusion Imaging and Histopathology

  10. 猫急性脑静脉闭塞模型的MR扩散加权成像与病理学对照研究

    Evaluation of an acute experimental cerebral venous occlusion in cats with MR diffusion weighted imaging and histopathology

  11. MRI在颅内动脉狭窄、闭塞诊断中的应用

    The diagnostic MR imaging in intracranial artery stenosis or occlusion

  12. 结论第四脑室闭塞或狭窄是CT诊断小脑幕裂孔下疝的可靠征象。

    Conclusion The occlusion and stricture of the fourth ventricle are reliable CT signs to diagnose traumatic cerebello-tentorial gap hernia .

  13. 大鼠实验性肠系膜上动脉闭塞性休克时胃窦粘膜D和G细胞免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical study of d - and G-cells in the antral mucosa of the rats during superior mesenteric artery occlusion ( smao ) shock

  14. 动脉闭塞者采用PTA加溶栓治疗;

    The PTA + thrombolytic therapy was adopted in the cases of artery embolism .

  15. MRI和MRA能直接显示脑静脉窦闭塞及其血栓栓子。本组14例发病<1个月的病人经静脉窦插管溶栓术及抗凝等治疗,症状和体征完全恢复或明显好转。

    14 patients recovered completely or improved markedly within one month of thrombolysis with venous sinus catheterization and anticoagulation .

  16. MSCT显示4个支架闭塞,均得到常规冠状动脉造影证实。

    In 4 stents which MSCT shows occlusion , and conventional angiography proofs stent occlusion .

  17. 结果经三维核磁血管显像(3DMRA)证实10例为椎动脉闭塞,1例为椎动脉广泛狭窄。

    Results It was confirmed by 3D MRA that 10 cases were vertebral artery occlusion and 1 was stenosis of vertebral artery .

  18. 方法:对有慢性缺血表现的20条下肢行Doppler超声与DSA或MRA检查,确诊为广泛性下肢动脉闭塞症。

    Methods : 20 limbs affected chronic ischemia were diagnosed as extensive occlusion by Doppler ultrasound and DSA or MRA .

  19. ET-1、CGRP与糖尿病肢体动脉闭塞症中医辩证分型相关性的研究

    The Research on Correlation of DAO 's Syndrome Differentiation of TCM with ET and CGRP Index

  20. 应用小剂量肝素预防肝静脉闭塞病(VOD)。

    The prognosis of hepatic veno-occlusive disease ( VOD ) was used by low dose heparin .

  21. 其中一例支架术后一周闭塞,CDFI示其内无血流通过。

    One stent was re-occluded after one week and CDFI showed no blood flow in it .

  22. 结论周围动脉硬化闭塞症患者存在高ET-1血症,并在术后第1天水平最高。

    Conclusion ASO patients have ET-1-emia . Serum ET-1 level was highest at the 1st postoperative day .

  23. 急性心肌梗死(acutemyocardialinfarction,AMI)早期最显而易见的病理解剖学现象为梗死相关血管的完全闭塞,心肌梗死发生后心外膜冠状动脉完全闭塞。

    The obvious pathological and anatomical phenomenon in early stage of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) is the total occlusion of infarction related artery in epicardium .

  24. Budd-Chiari综合征:下腔静脉闭塞钝性开通的技术探讨

    Budd-Chiari syndrome ; puncturing occlusion of inferior vena cava with blunt wire

  25. 颈内动脉狭窄或闭塞侧支循环途径的DSA和MRA评价及其临床意义

    Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis or Occlusion : Evaluation of Collateral Pathways on DSA and MRA and Their Clinical Significance

  26. 结果5只兔栓塞后DSA显示颈内动脉细小分支及主干发生闭塞,CT平扫和增强在缺血6小时可见栓塞侧大脑半球片状低密度梗死区。

    Results Small branches and trunk of ICA were all obliterated after embolization . CT scanning showed patchy low - density areas after 6h of embolization .

  27. 结果A家族姐妹、B家族姐妹分别为下腔静脉肝后段节段性闭塞和膜性闭塞。

    Results Sisters in family A and sisters in family B had membranous obstruction of the inferior vena cava ( MOVC ) and segmental obstruction of the inferior vena cava ( SOVC ), respectively .

  28. 闭塞区Cu~+和H~+不能向外扩散时,E

    If H ~ + and Cu ~ + can not diffuse outwardly from occluded area , the anodic dissolution of brass in occluded area can not take place when E

  29. 重建CTA图像显示17例脑梗死患者一侧大脑中动脉重度狭窄或闭塞,13例一侧颈内动脉重度狭窄或闭塞。

    CTA demonstrated stenosis or occlusion of middle cerebral artery and internal carotid artery in 30 cases .

  30. 目的探讨动脉粥样硬化闭塞症(Atherosclerosisobliterans,ASO)动物模型的制作方法。

    Objective To investigate the establishment of the iliofemoral atherosclerosis obliterans ( ASO ) model in rabbits .