
bì qū jiān
  • closed interval
闭区间[bì qū jiān]
  1. 设I为闭区间,f:I→I连续,fn表示f的n次迭代。

    Let I be closed interval and let f : I → I be continuous . We use f n to denote the nth iterate of f.

  2. 本文在序Banach空间中引入了序闭区间套的概念,获得了闭凸锥正则的两个充要条件。

    The concept of ordered closed interval sheaths is introduced in ordered Banach spaces , and two sufficient and necessary conditions for closed convex cones being regular are obtained .

  3. 应用连续函数的性质和闭区间套定理证明lagrange中值定理。

    The lagrange mean value theorem is proved by using the character of continuous function and theorem of nested interval .

  4. Vague集利用闭区间[0,1]描述了所研究事物与客观标准的同、反、非现象;

    Identical or opposite or not phenomenon existing between researched things and objective standards are described with Vague set in [ 0,1 ] .

  5. 为达到在闭区间进行小波分解的目的,采用对称延拓有限个数据点的方法,实现了基于滤波器形式的均匀B样条小波分解和重构的快速算法。

    In order to decompose with wavelet on a bounded interval , a method of expanding finite data points symmetrically is adopted . According to filter model , the fast algorithms of decomposition and reconstruction with uniform wavelet are realized .

  6. 本文由Jensen不等式及闭区间[a,b]上连续凸函数f(x)满足不等式推出两个更一般的结论。

    Based on the unequal formula Jensen [ 1 ] and the continuous convex function in the dosed interval [ a , b ] to satisfy the unequal formula [ 2 ] , the paper draws two more general conclusions .

  7. 考虑闭区间[0,1],构造一类三分集C3,得到它的一些实变性质,并计算了C3的Hausdorff维数。

    In terms of close interval [ 0,1 ] , we construct a Middle Third Set C_3 , and obtain its real variable properties . In the meantime , we compute its Hausdorff dimension .

  8. 证明了图上不存在Z~2膨胀作用;闭区间上存在自由积ZZ的膨胀作用。

    We prove that there exists no expansive Z2 actions on graphs , but the free product Z Z can act on the closed interval expansively .

  9. Dong和Li首先把集族闭区间的表示引入到EPs的挖掘,提出了利用集族边界来表示EPs,利用边界运算来挖掘EPs。

    Dong and Li apply the description of closed collection to the mining of EPs for the first time . They uses the borders of the closed collection of EPs to express the EPs , and manipulate the borders to mine EPs .

  10. 由于信息不足或方案不够完善,专家对方案的相对重要性的判断往往具有模糊性。基于正闭区间数来表达模糊判断,文章讨论了模糊AHP法的有关理论,并给出了其在人才评价中的应用

    Due to lack of enough information or scheme experts judgement on relative importance is fuzzy Based on interval number of plus and close expressing fuzzy judgement , this paper discusses the theory about fuzzy AHP Finally , application of it in estimation of persons with ability is given

  11. 以通常所说的闭区间套定理作为公理推出单调有界数列存在极限和Dedekind定理,并且证明了通常所说的实数满闭区间套定理。

    Based on the view that the theorem of closed mested interval is an axiom , this paper deduces the essential limit of monotonic bounded sequence of number and the Dedekind theorem , and proves the general theorem of bull closed nested interval of real number .

  12. 闭区间套定理的推广及应用

    The application and extension of the theorem of close nested intervals

  13. 利用闭区间套定理证明重要极限的存在性

    Proving the Existence of the Important Limit with Closed Interval Theorem

  14. 闭区间上凸函数的单调性与超加性

    Monotonicity and Superadditive of Convex Function on Closed Interval

  15. 偏序集的主理想连续性和闭区间连续性

    Closed interval continuity and principal ideal continuity on posets

  16. 闭区间值鞅及模糊数值鞅

    Closed Interval Valued Martingales and Fuzzy Number Valued Martingales

  17. 有理系数多项式逼近闭区间上的连续函数一类有理幂函数不定积分的计算方法

    The Multinomial with Rational Coefficient Approximate to the Continuous Functions in Closed Interval

  18. 闭区间上实值连续函数性质定理的非标准证明

    Nonstandard Proofs the Property Theorems of the Real Valued Continuous Functions on Closed Intervals

  19. 用区间套定理证明闭区间上连续函数的性质序列的情形作了相应的推广

    Proof to properties of continuous function on a closed interval with an interval sequence theorem

  20. 讨论了一维混杂控制系统在闭区间里的最大可生存域的计算问题。

    Computation of viability for a class of switched linear systems based on convex optimization ;

  21. 关于闭区间套定理

    Theorem of Interlink of Closed Interval

  22. 闭区间数多属性决策方法

    Interval Muti attribute Decision Making Problems

  23. 有限闭区间上几类函数之间的关系

    The Relation Between Several Functions

  24. 用数学分析中的区间套定理证明了闭区间上连续函数的四个定理。

    Four theorems about continuous function on an closed interval are proved by a interval sequence theorem in mathematical analysis .

  25. 前者计算相对简单,后者能在单位闭区间上给出定量评价。

    The former is a relatively simple to calculated , while the latter gives an assessment in the unit closed interval .

  26. 本文从稳定性判断和求某一闭区间的数值解两方面来对模型的相关性质进行综合分析。

    From the analysis of the stability and numerical solution of a closed interval , the author comprehensively analyzes related properties of the model .

  27. 本文指出常用辨识框可分为符号集合型、有序命题集合型和实数闭区间型。

    This peper points out that usual identification flame has three types : symbol set , ordered statement set and closed interval of real number .

  28. 推论在闭区间上连续的函数必取得介于最大值与最小值之间的任何值。

    Corollary Let be a continuous function on a closed interval , then can obtain any number between its absolute maximum and its absolute minimum .

  29. 从经典线性正算子收敛的柯洛夫金定理出发,建立了适用范围更广的关于闭区间上连续函数的柯洛夫金定理。

    In this paper , based on classical Korovkin theorem on convergence of positive linear operators , a Korovkin type theorem and more convenient conditions are obtained .

  30. 本文给出了从闭区间[a,b]到局部凸拓扑代数的抽象函数的Riemann&Stieltijes积分的定义。

    In this paper , it is defined that a kind of Riemann-Stieltjes integral on abstract functions mapping [ a , b ] to a locally convex algebra .