
  • 网络closed string
  1. 用对称原理构造参量长度不固定的玻色开弦和闭弦的相互作用量

    Construction of interacting actions of bosonic open strings and closed strings by symmetry principles in the case of No-fixed parameter length

  2. 文献[3]利用一些对称原理构造了玻色开弦和闭弦的相互作用量,并研究了弦的参数长度固定的情形。

    Reference [ 3 ] constructs the interacting actions of Bosonic open strings and closed strings by symmetry principles and studies the fixed parameter length .

  3. 本文在前人探讨的分段均匀玻色子弦的基础上,计算了几种不同闭弦体系的Casimir能量,特别对多圈弦、链接环等闭弦体系进行了讨论。

    In this paper , the Casimir energy for various string loop systems , such as closed bosonic strings , multiloop strings and connected string loops is calculated .

  4. 以分段均匀玻色子闭弦为例,结合Casimir能量的计算,对用来消除发散的几种正规化方法,如截断法、广义黎曼ζ函数法,作简单讨论。

    The Casimir energy for piecewise bosonic strings composed by two segments is calculated . Some regularization used in calculating Casimir energy , such as cut-off method and general ζ - function method , was discussed .

  5. 由能量的高低来判别哪些闭弦体系更稳定,从而推知闭弦体系演化时将遵循的方向。

    According to the high or low of the energy , we can decide what system is more stable . Furthermore we can also know the direction in string loop system evolution .