
bì lù diàn shì
  • CCTV;closed circuit television;close-circuit television;closed-circuit TV
闭路电视 [bì lù diàn shì]
  • [closed-circuit TV] 通过电缆或光缆传送图像信号的电视系统

  1. 就会发现CCTV是闭路电视的缩写。

    You will see CCTV is the abbreviation of " Closed Circuit Television " .

  2. 本文就全频道CATV系统中如何选择相容的闭路电视频道进行了探讨,并介绍了如何用袖珍计算机进行辅助设计问题。

    This article discusses the selection of compatible closed circuit television channels in all channel CATV system and explains how to use pocket computer to aid the design .

  3. 接待处有一个闭路电视摄像头。

    There 's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area .

  4. 实验室里设置了闭路电视。

    A closed circuit TV system has been installed in the laboratories .

  5. 以PC总线微机为控制器的闭路电视监视系统

    CCTV Monitoring System of the Controllor Based on PC Bus Microcomputer

  6. 多E1反向复用传输技术在闭路电视监控系统中的应用

    Multiple E1 Based Inverse Multiplexing for CCTV Application

  7. 在罗斯忧郁的微笑中,闭路电视(CCTV)装置逐渐泛滥。

    The modern plague of CCTV devices has grown up in the shadow of his melancholy smile .

  8. 支持者称女士专用停车位意味着可以引进更好的安全和闭路电视(CCTV)监控系统,使女司机感到更安全。

    Campaigners claim that women-only parking spots enable the introduction of better security and CCTV systems to help lady drivers feel safer .

  9. 佛罗里达南部一男子由于谋杀妻子,并将其尸体照片发布到facebook而面临起诉,起诉视频通过闭路电视进行了直播。

    A South Florida man charged with killing his wife and posting a photo of her body on Facebook has appeared in court via video closed circuit TV .

  10. 在闭路电视监控产品上,MTC总结MT工程安装和集中监控的经验,形成很多独到的设计。

    In closed-circuit television surveillance products , MTC concluded MT works on the installation and monitoring of experience , a lot of unique design .

  11. 调查人员还在研究持偷来的意大利和奥地利护照登机的两名男子有何背景,并查阅吉隆坡国际机场(KualaLumpurInternationalAirport)有关这两人的闭路电视监控画面。

    Investigators are also looking into the backgrounds of two men who flew on stolen Italian and Austrian passports , and are reviewing CCTV footage of them at Kuala Lumpur International Airport .

  12. 闭路电视(CCTV)监控系统是一种先进的、防范能力极强的综合系统,是当今安防体系中一个重要的组成部分。

    Closed-Circuit Television System ( CCTV ) is a kind of state-of-the-art integrated system with strong prevention ability , and it is an important part of security system today .

  13. 人工智能增强后的CCTV(闭路电视)系统不仅仅让一个人盯着一面安全监视器墙,而且它具有自主识别潜在问题并像安全人员发出警告的能力。

    Instead of just having a person observing a bank of security monitors , an AI-enhanced CCTV system has the ability to identify potential problems itself and alert security personnel .

  14. 介绍了闭路电视系统的组成特点以及PC总线接口板、摄像机终端控制板和图像信号转接板的原理并详细说明了中文式操作菜单的控制功能。

    The structure feature of CCTV system and the principle of PC bus interface board , camera terminal control board , image signal exchange board is introduced . The control function of the Chinese character operation menu is explained in detail .

  15. 用欧姆计接地测量右VTSS防盗系统关闭感知电路。闭路电视共用天线系统

    USING AN OHMMETER MEASURE THE RIGHT VTSS DISARM SENSE CKT TO GROUN closed-circuit television common antenna system

  16. 重仅1750磅的XL1搭载了不少时尚的高科技装备,比如闭路电视,它的屏幕将取代传统的左右后视镜。

    Weighing about 1,750 pounds , the XL1 features nifty high-tech touches , such as closed circuit television whose screens replace the conventional right and left rear-view mirrors .

  17. 南航则表示拥有Maraldi和Kozel在检票登机时的闭路电视录像。马航波音777客机于3月8日凌晨执行吉隆坡至北京任务,起飞后仅短短40分钟就从雷达屏幕中消失了。

    Chinese media reported.The company said it had CCTV footage of the two people who checked in as Maraldi and Kozel.The Boeing 777 disappeared from radar screens just 40 minutes into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in the early hours of Saturday morning .

  18. 闭路电视系统中射频传输线的应用

    Application of RF transmission line in closed - circuit television system

  19. 交通监视光纤闭路电视传输系统

    The Transit Monitor with the Closed Circuit Television Optical Transmission System

  20. 北京地铁运营闭路电视监控系统及其应用

    Closed Circuit Television Supervisory System and its application for Beijing Metro

  21. 轨道交通闭路电视监控系统视频数字化解决方案

    Application Method of Digital Video CCTV Supervision Control System in UMT

  22. 联邦调查局正在询问保安和回看闭路电视录影带。

    The FBI is questioning guards and looking at surveillance tape .

  23. 线路频带分隔滤波器彩色视频监视器(包括闭路电视用的)

    Monitor video , colour ( incl. for closed circuit telvision )

  24. 闭路电视监视系统和防盗报警系统设计

    The design of closed-circuit TV monitoring system and burglar alarm system

  25. 使用如闭路电视和卫星传输等多媒体技术

    Use multi-media techniques such as closed circuit TV and satellite transmission

  26. 你还不高兴我接上这个闭路电视?

    Aren 't you giad I got the ciosed circuit hook-up ?

  27. 他们从闭路电视上发现他是半夜离开俱乐部的。

    They caught him leaving the club at midnight on cctv .

  28. 大会实况在大厅闭路电视上重播。

    The conference is relay to the lobby on closed-circuit tv .

  29. 闭路电视系统交调和互调干扰的抑制方法

    Restrains method of interference with crossmodulation and intermodulation in CATV

  30. 闭路电视单向控制,阻碍了先进教学方式的施行;

    Unidirectionally controlling the closed circuit television drawbacks the advanced teaching type .