
  • 网络Launch operation;Launch Processing
  1. 发射操作控制中心-火箭等的

    Launch operation control center

  2. 阿里安5运载器的发射与操作设备

    The Ariane 5 Launch and OPeration Facilities

  3. 经模拟试验验证,该结果能满足航天发射岗位操作零差错的要求。

    The simulation results shows that it can meet " zero error job action " requirement of the space launch .

  4. 传统RISC处理器体系结构和编译优化技术主要专注于开发程序执行中的指令级并行性,通过在一个时钟周期内发射多个操作来提高处理器的IPC。

    The traditional RISC processor architecture and compile optimizing technique was focus on exploiting the ILP , improving the IPC of processor through issuing multiple operations in one cycle .

  5. 该条例为发射卫星和操作外层空间物体设立发牌机制。

    It provides the licensing framework for launching satellites and operating space objects in outer space .

  6. 气相色谱-常压微波等离子体发射光谱系统操作参数的考察及最优化

    Investigation and Optimization of the Operating Parameters of Gas Chromatography-Atmospheric Pressure Helium Microwave-Induced Plasma Emission Spectrometry

  7. 它主要负责指令译码、指令发射、读取操作数、跳转预测检查、建立旁路、指令执行、指令退休和异常处理。

    It is responsible for decoding , issuing , establishing bypass and transporting instructions to execution unit .

  8. 该系统的应用成功的实现了在实验室条件下对导弹发射设备在操作过程中的状态检测。

    With the application of this system the state of the missile launching device in the process is tested successfully under the laboratory condition .

  9. 随着我国航天事业的迅猛发展,尤其是载人航天工程的顺利实施,对发射试验的组织指挥、测试发射操作质量和测量控制能力提出了更为苛刻的要求。

    With the rapid development of Chinese aerospace industry , especially in the continuous advance of manned space project , the command and organization of space launch task , operation quality of testing and launching , capability of measurement and control are demanded in a greater level .

  10. 因此,为节约推进剂,提高发射的可靠性,简化地面系统以及发射前的操作程序等,需要立即开展新型的自然循环预冷法的研究。

    It is necessary to develop new type of precooling method , so the natural circulation cooling system is introduced .