
  • 网络Development principles;principle of development
  1. 在此基础上,综合国外生态村建设的经验,提出现代自建民居的合理发展原则、历史走向及引导方法,使其既能符合时代需要,又能在一定程度上促进文化的发展。

    Finally , referring to foreign eco-village , we can mention some principle of development , direction in the future and leading method , in order to adapt these residence built by residents to this time and advance our culture .

  2. 该楼办公空间宽大,且秉持了可持续发展原则,是大多数建筑无法企及的。

    It 's a vast and sustainable office space unlike most will ever see .

  3. 可持续发展原则下绿色GDP核算问题探讨

    The Calculation of Green GDP on the Principle of Sustainable Development

  4. 稻谷生产要适应WTO、供求关系、生态环境与可持续发展原则,根据市场需求生产。

    Rice grain production has to fit in with WTO , demand and supply relation , ecological environment , continuous development , and the requirement of market .

  5. 可持续发展原则的法理探析

    Discussion and analysis of jurisprudence on the principle of sustainable development

  6. 城市建设和规划设计中的可持续发展原则

    Sustainable Development Principle on C : ty Building and Planning Design

  7. 坚持协调发展原则、树立绿色价值观。

    Insist the coordinated growth principle , build the green values .

  8. 论可持续发展原则与区域开发

    Study on the Sustainable Development Principle and the Regional Development

  9. 景观设计可持续发展原则的探讨

    A Discussion on the Principles for the Sustainable Development of Landscape Design

  10. 税法可持续发展原则刍议

    Research on the Principle of Sustainable Development of Tax Law

  11. 以区域整体发展原则促进乡村建设的持续发展

    Sustainable development of rural construction based on the principle of regional development

  12. 坚持保护与利用并重、可持续发展原则。

    Insist on the sustainable development principle of combination exploitation with protection .

  13. 农业产业化现状及其发展原则和措施

    Present Situation of Agricultural Industrialization of Jiangsu and Its Development Principles and Measures

  14. 为增强区域土地可持续利用,相关环境政策的制定应遵循可持续发展原则;

    The enacting of environmental policy should embody the principle of sustainable development .

  15. 可持续发展原则与法的价值也存在密切联系。

    There is connection between sustainable development principle and the value of law .

  16. 安全、快捷、舒适的交通运输理念是交通运输领域的发展原则。

    Safety , speed and comfort are the goals of the traffic development .

  17. 可持续发展原则浅析

    The Brief Analysis About the Principle of Abiding Development

  18. 论述了在可持续发展原则下,绿色物流产生的必然性;

    The inevitability of green logistics is discussed from view of sustained development .

  19. 我们用先进技术的力量改进和发展原则。

    With the power of advanced technique , we evolve and refine principle .

  20. 第五部分是优化发展原则。

    The fifth part optimizes the development principle .

  21. 经济法可持续发展原则刍议

    On Sustainable Development Principle of Economic Law

  22. 树立可持续发展原则的公司正在获得从工业界到最终用户的广泛认可。

    Companies that embrace sustainability principles are gaining widespread acceptance by industrial and end-use customers .

  23. 新古典主义经济学与持续发展原则

    New classical economics and sustainable development principles

  24. 绿色生态经济模式是可持续发展原则的产业化。

    Industrialization is the solution to the problem of the development of the local economy .

  25. 原则上提出了零污染与环境优先原则、可持续发展原则、生态文明的原则。

    The principles are non-pollution and environment precedence , sustainable development , and ecological culture .

  26. 第一部分:可持续发展原则概述及其历史沿革。

    The first part : the outline of the principle of sustainable development and its history .

  27. 行政法治的发展原则暗合政治文明发展的价值追求。

    The development principle of administration constitutionality is concordant to the value chase of political civilization .

  28. 中小学教师队伍建设可持续发展原则与建议

    The Principles and Recommendations of Sustainable Development on the Team-building of Primary and Secondary School Teachers

  29. 笔者希望能够通过这些现象提倡一种真正可持续的城市发展原则,一种科学的城市发展观。

    This article calls for a real sustainable principle and a scientific view for city development .

  30. 第三是以先进性为核心的发展原则。文化建设必须坚持面向未来的创新性原则、面向现代化的时代性原则和面向世界的开放性原则。

    The third element is the development principle with the progressiveness and advancement as its core .