
  • 网络Acta Physica Sinica;Acta Phys Sin;Journal of Physics;Acta Phys Sinica;ACTA PHYS SIN-CH ED
  1. 《工程热物理学报》第四届编辑委员会

    The 4 ~ th Editorial Council of Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

  2. 原子与分子物理学报第23卷,第1~6期目次

    Journal of atomic and molecular physics vol.23 , no.1 ~ 6 contents

  3. 对核心期刊《物理学报》论文作者的分析

    Analysis on the Treatises ' Authors of Physical Science Journal

  4. 工程热物理学报2004年第25卷总目录

    Journal of Engineering Thermophysics Vol. 25 , 2004 contents

  5. 这项研究发表在《天体物理学报通信》上。

    The study appears in the Astrophysical Journal Letters .

  6. 《地球物理学报》编辑委员会

    Editorial Committee of Chinese Journal of Geophysics

  7. 《化学物理学报》作者索引

    Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics author index

  8. 化学物理学报第3卷第1-6期(总第13-18期)

    Chinese Journal of chemical physics Vol 3 . No. 1-6 ( sum . No. 13-18 )

  9. 《原子与分子物理学报》作者群与学科发展现状透析研究

    An analysis of the author 's group distribution and subject development for chinese journal of atomic and molecular physics

  10. 上述结论与文献(高压物理学报,1999,13(2):8792)发表的实验结果相矛盾。

    These conclusions are contrary to the experimental results published recently ( in Chin.J.High Press . Phys . 13 ( 2 ), p87 ) .

  11. 基于刘等(物理学报,2001,50(11):2068-2072.)

    Based on Jacobi elliptic function method which is proposed by Liu S.S. , et al ( Acta Phys . Sin . , 2001,50 ( 11 ): 2068-2072 . )

  12. 从确定办刊方向、办刊宗旨、办刊目标、期刊定位以及严格执行编辑规范、注重期刊创新等方面阐述了《工程地球物理学报》的办刊思路。

    This paper expounds the thoughts of the Journal of Engineering Geophysics from the direction , the principle , the goal , the orientation , the strict editorial standard and the innovation which should be focused on .

  13. 《计算物理》学报引文的初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of citation for Chinese Journal of Computational Physics