
dài xīn xiū jià
  • paid leave;vacation with pay
带薪休假[dài xīn xiū jià]
  1. 文章简单分析了人的全面发展的现实要求以及带薪休假的休闲生活对人全面发展的重要作用。

    In this article , the author briefly analyzed the practical requirements of people 's all-round development and the important role that vacation with pay plays in people 's all-round development .

  2. 对于其它工作,如销售,职工放弃带薪休假是为了避免奖金的缩水,因为带薪休假期间只能拿底薪。

    In other jobs , such as sales , employees forego paid leave to avoid smaller bonuses , as only basic salary is given during that time .

  3. 如果你是个体户,就没有带薪休假或病假。

    There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are self-employed .

  4. 每位工人每年都能享受4周的带薪休假。

    Every worker will be entitled to four weeks ' paid holiday a year .

  5. 得到带薪休假的全职员工们通常只用了一半的假期。

    Full-time employees who do have paid vacation days only use half of them on average .

  6. 但是,即使员工得到带薪休假的机会,工作场所的规则和期望也会迫使他们过度工作,从而没有机会去使用它。

    But even when employees are given paid time off , workplace norms and expectations that pressure them to overwork often prevent them from taking it .

  7. 美国也是世界上唯一不提供带薪休假的发达国家,世界上仅有的两个不提供带薪产假的国家之一。

    The U.S. is also the only advanced economy that does not guarantee workers paid vacation time , and it 's one of only two countries in the world that does not offer guaranteed paid maternity leave .

  8. 为Uber司机或是TaskRabbit的“任务方”提供养老金、带薪休假或是失业保险,将需要明智的法规和明智的管理体系。

    Giving pensions , vacation rights or unemployment insurance to Uber drivers or TaskRabbit " taskers " would require both clever rules and clever admin systems .

  9. 埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)最近发布的一份调查显示,75%的被访者经常或偶尔在带薪休假期间工作。

    A survey released last week by the consulting firm Accenture found 75 % of respondents work frequently or occasionally during paid time off .

  10. 两天后,伦敦一个雇佣法庭做出了支持优步(Uber)司机主张的判决,这些司机此前抱怨,他们的劳动合同错误地没有给予他们最低工资和带薪休假等基本雇佣权利。

    A couple of days later an employment court in London ruled in favour of Uber drivers who had complained that their contracts wrongly denied them basic employment rights such as the minimum wage and paid holidays .

  11. Netflix公司4日宣布,在员工们初为父母的第一年里,公司将提供无限制的带薪休假。这是竞争激烈的科技行业内最慷慨的产假福利之一。

    Netflix announced Tuesday it will begin offering " unlimited " paid time off to employees during their first year as new parents , one of the most generous parental leave packages offered in the competitive tech industry .

  12. Maroney表示,法国已经跃身于国家法定假日最多的国家之列,而且一年带薪休假日期最少都得有三十天。

    Maroney noted that France has been among the world 's leading countries in state-mandated annual leave , with annual holiday allowance minimums coming in at30 days per year .

  13. 不像大多数公司那样给员工分配几周休假,Orr让手下自主决定带薪休假&只要他们觉得自己完成了工作任务,并得到经理认可。

    Rather than allocate a set number of weeks off employees can take , like in most jobs , Orr allows them to take responsibility to organize paid vacation whenever they like - provided they feel they are meeting their job objectives and their manager agrees .

  14. 几年前,带薪休假代替了现金红利。

    The paid vacations replaced cash bonuses a few years ago .

  15. 我国实施带薪休假制度的障碍和应对策略

    Obstacles and Measures of Paid - Leave System in China

  16. 让我们支持工人家庭,支持带薪休假。

    And let 's support working families by supporting paid family leave .

  17. 现在我每年可以带薪休假三周。

    Now I have 3 weeks every year with pay .

  18. 带薪休假给普通人的生活带来了真正的改变。

    Paid leave makes a real difference in ordinary people 's lives .

  19. 做游轮提供福利,即带薪休假,退休金计划吗?

    Do cruise lines provide benefits i.e.paid vacation , pension plan etc. ?

  20. 那名警察已经带薪休假。

    The officer has been on administrative leave with pay .

  21. 论带薪休假制度的实行与我国旅游业的深入发展

    On Implementation of the Salaried Vacation System and Developing Further Tourism in China

  22. 不,游船公司不提供带薪休假或退休金计划。

    No , cruise lines do not provide paid vacation or pension plans .

  23. 作为在宾夕法尼亚州立大学有十年期教龄的教员,他仍在带薪休假。

    He remains on paid-leave from Penn State as a ten-year faculty member .

  24. 这也是两名职员带薪休假的原因。

    And the reason that two staff members are now on paid leave .

  25. 他们提供医疗健康保险和带薪休假。

    They provide health-care insurance and paid vacation .

  26. 工人们联合起来争取带薪休假。

    Workers band together to get paid holidays .

  27. 这名负责年鉴工作的老师已被要求带薪休假。

    The teacher who advised the yearbook team has been placed on paid leave .

  28. 继续推行同工同酬及带薪休假,并提高最低工资水平。

    Equal pay for equal work , paid leave , raising the minimum wage .

  29. 中国员工带薪休假问题研究

    Research on Employee 's Paid Vacation in China

  30. 创新休假制度:从黄金周到带薪休假

    A New Holiday-making System : from " Unitary Week-off " to " On Paid-off "