
yào àn
  • vital/major case
  1. 别管你的小案子了这可是国家要案

    Never mind your usual trivia . This is of national importance .

  2. 听着他说过…那是国家要案真有意思

    Look , he did say ... national importance .

  3. 这是承接要案的专业公司。

    This is a go-to firm for important cases .

  4. 你举报了一桩要案。

    Offlcer : you 've committed a serious crime .

  5. 审计机关发现大案要案线索的法律依据

    Legal Basis of Clue of Big Case and Important Case Discovered by Audit Organ

  6. 值得更加仔细审查的一桩要案。

    An important case which merits closer examination .

  7. 浅谈如何加强存货管理加强政府监管彻查大案要案

    Simple Analysis on How to Strengthen the Management of Stock Strengthen Government 's Management

  8. 这可是国家要案。

    This is of national importance .

  9. 职务犯罪要案多发领域的分析及对策研究

    Analysis About The Gross Cases ' Fields Of Crime By Taking Advantage Of Duty And Relative Countermeasure

  10. 黄的妻子杜鹃和关键财务人员已经潜逃,涉及的大案要案

    Huang 's wife rhododendron and a key financial staff has absconded , involving a number of major cases

  11. 抓紧查处严重破坏市场经济秩序的大案要案。

    We should promptly investigate and prosecute major cases of sabotage against the order of the market economy .

  12. 依法查办大案、要案,惩处了一批腐败分子。

    Major and key criminal cases were handled timely in accordance with the law and a number of corrupt officials were punished .

  13. 要把查处违法违纪大案要案,作为反腐败的重要任务。

    We will make investigating and prosecuting major violations of the law and discipline an important task in the fight against corruption .

  14. 尤其是近几年来,集体腐败大案要案的查出,反映了当前我国反腐败形势的严重性。

    Especially in recent years , the exposures of major collective corruption reflect the severances of the current anti-corruption wars in China .

  15. 各级检查机关正在集中力量调查处理这批大案要案

    Procuratorial organs at all levels are focusing their efforts on the investigation , handling and winding up of those major and key cases

  16. 目前来看,这些试用主要集中在个别大案要案中,且适用范围仅局限于贿赂案件。

    At present , these trials are mainly carried out in several major cases , and the scope of application is limited to bribery .

  17. 但近年来,伴随着住房公积金规模的日益庞大,住房公积金管理领域大案要案频发。

    But in recent years , accompanied by increasingly large scale of the housing provident funds , housing provident fund management major cases frequently .

  18. 2005年是国内多家国有商业银行大案要案频发的一年,这些案件暴露出国有商业银行合规风险管理的薄弱环节。

    More and more banks crimes were exposed in 2005 . It has exposed the compliance risk management weaknesses of the state-owned commercial banks .

  19. 译文政府将要查禁报界付款给那些牵涉到大案要案(诸如罗斯玛丽。韦斯特案件)的证人以图收买他们的行为。

    The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases such as the trial of Rosemary West .

  20. 司法实践中,集资诈骗案发数量在大幅增长,呈明显的上升趋势,且大案要案显著增加,犯罪活动相当猖獗。

    In actual judicial practice , the number of fundraising frauds cases surged , there was a significant increase in serious cases , and criminal activity was rampant .

  21. 日本警方计划首次为那些向那些为警方提供破获要案线索的人进行现金奖励。

    TOKYO ( Reuters ) - Japanese police plan for the first time to offer cash rewards to people who provide information that helps them solve serious crimes .

  22. 长期以来银行业金融机构经营风险形势不容乐观,大案要案不断暴露。

    For a long time , the illegal business behaviors of banking financial institutions happen from time to tome and the major and serious criminal cases exposed continually .

  23. 我国是一个操作风险大案要案频发的国家,每年的损失案件不计其数,给各家商业银行带来了经济上和声誉上不同程度的损失。

    There are many cases of operational risk occur in China every year , it brought to different degrees of loss on the economic and reputation to commercial banks .

  24. 在整顿和规范市场经济秩序中,要集中力量查处大案要案,严惩违法犯罪分子和腐败分子。

    In rectifying and standardizing the order of the market economy , we need to concentrate on investigating major cases and severely punish those guilty of crimes or corruption .

  25. 第二部分对于乾隆晚期的重大要案进行了对比。突出乾隆皇帝对不同人及其本身在不同时期的态度差异。

    The second part has contrasted the serious case in Qianlong later period ' s. Give prominence to different manner when Qianlong to different person and in different times .

  26. 国有商业银行公司治理的现状仍令人堪忧,大案、要案频繁发生,其根源仍是金融体制问题,即所有人缺位和内部人控制以及外部环境制约等问题。

    There are a lot of problem of the banks , owning to the mechanism , including owner absence , insider control and outward environment , which are history problems .

  27. 近年来,发生的侵犯未成年人性权利的案件数量不断上升,有些甚至是大案、要案,影响极为恶劣。

    In recent years , the cases , violation minors ' sexual rights , the number is rising ; some are even major cases and have an extremely bad effect on society .

  28. 电视记者的摄像机时常聚焦法院的审判庭,将社会关注的大案要案的审判过程直接展现给观众,成为沟通观众和法院以及司法机关的司法执法活动的重要媒介和桥梁。

    As the bridge and medium between audience and judiciary administrator , journalists through their cameras let audience catch the point of trial process about many important cases regarded by the public .

  29. “我们去年已经停止许多大案要案并且我们依然坚决的实行所有我们能减少我们的诉讼风险的事,”他说。

    " We have closed out a number of major cases over the last year and we remain determined to do all we can to reduce our litigation risk ," he said .

  30. 但由于其内部控制体系的不健全,导致近年来大案、要案频繁发生,给企业的经营和信誉带来了无法挽回的损失。

    However , as a result of its incomplete internal control system , some large and important cases frequently happened in recent years , resulting in irreparable loss of industrial management and credit .