
zhí jiē shén lǐ
  • direct inquisition;direct adjudication
  1. 最高法院可以直接选择审理案件,但是它会经常选择审理初级法院曾经审理过的案件。

    While the Supreme Court may choose to hear cases directly , it most often selects cases that have been decided in lower courts .

  2. 直接、言词审理原则符合现代诉讼结构,有助于保障控辩双方诉讼地位平等。

    Principle of Direct Verbal Trial accords with the principles of modern proceedings structure , and helps to guarantee the equal status between prosecution and defense .

  3. 我国应在立法中明确规定直接、言词审理原则,并建立严格的证人、鉴定人出庭保障制度,确保直接、言词审理原则得到贯彻执行,使控辩双方的对抗能够在法庭上真正实现。

    China should establish the Principle of Direct Verbal Trial and a strict guarantee system for expert witness and normal witness appearing in court in order to ensure the implementation of the Principle of Direct Verbal Trial , and realize the confrontation between the prosecution and defense in court .

  4. 当事人陈述是一种在任何民事案件审理过程中都存在的诉讼材料,其功能的界定直接影响到案件审理的结果,但是其功能的发挥却与诉讼体制的选择或转变密切相关。

    The parties ' statement is a kind of case materials in any civil proceedings . The definition of its function affects the result of the case directly . Furthermore , its function is closely related to the choice or change of the litigation system .

  5. 而案件请示制度直接违背审判独立与直接审理原则,侵犯当事人的诉权,导致诉讼效率低下。

    But it has disadvantages as following : breaching directly the principles of the adjudgment independence and judge directly , infringing the litigation of party , and reducing litigation efficiency .