
  1. 明德慎罚,提倡教化,建立以德治国的社会基础;

    Second , promote enlightenment is the society base ;

  2. 明德慎罚作为一种社会意识,它一经出现,就有相对的独立性。

    As a social consciousness , the thought of " Bright virtue and careful punishment " had its relative independence as it appeared .

  3. 周公的明德慎罚思想对后世有明显而深远、长久的影响,特别是对儒家法律思想的形成有举足轻重的作用。

    The thought influent the later ages clearly and deeply , especially played a important role on the formation of legal thought of Confucian .

  4. 帝国政府的这一程序设计,既是出于刑当矜恤、明德慎罚的立法目的,也有加强社会控制、合理分配职权的现实需要。

    Imperial Government made this program design for the legislative intent of virtue , to strengthen social control and allocate rationally powers of the practical needs .

  5. 在中华传统文化的源头就孕育产生了和谐思想,和谐思想体现在为政治国上主要表现为明德慎罚和刑罚尚中。

    The concept of harmony comes from the source of traditional Chinese culture , and is reflected in the then governing policy of rule of virtue with punishments not going to extremes .

  6. 他们倡导明德慎罚、以德配天的思想,并规定了一套系统周密的死刑复核、复奏制度,其目的就是要慎用死刑。

    They advocate " second penalty , matching heaven with virtue " in the ideological , and provides a thorough review of death penalty system , double system , its purpose is to uses the death penalty .