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mínɡ tánɡ
  • Mingtang;ceremonial hall in a palace;threshing ground;courtyard;yard
明堂 [míng táng]
  • (1) [courtyart;ground for drying grains] 〈方〉∶打晒粮食的场地;院子

  • (2) [palace (in ancient times, a place for an emperor to declare punishment and prize or instructions)] ∶古代帝王宣明政教、举行大典的地方

  • 归来见天子,天子坐明堂。--《乐府诗集.木兰诗》

  1. 医家明堂论与道教的明堂符号养生法

    Doctor Mingtang Theory and Daoism Mingtang Symbol Regimen

  2. 古明堂与希腊神庙&论中西方文化艺术精神之表征

    Ancient Chinese Joss House and Grecian Fane & On Their Spirit of Culture and Art

  3. 第二,积极参与封禅礼、禘袷礼、明堂礼、凶礼等具体礼仪的讨论与制订,在封建国家的文化礼制建设工作中发挥了重要的作用。

    Imperial College has an important function on the construction of national culture and ceremony system .

  4. 明堂是封建社会重要的礼仪建筑。

    Ming Tang is the important architecture for ceremony and propriety in the feudal society of China .

  5. 当战士们整队走回他们主公的明堂里的时候,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?

    When the warriors marched back again to their master 's hall where did they hide their power ?

  6. 当战士们从他们主公的明堂里刚走出来,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?

    When the warriors came out first from their master 's hall , where had they hid their power ?

  7. 为了与最高神沟通,明堂模拟宇宙的地面模式亚形为自己的平面形式。

    To achieve the purpose of communication with the supreme god , Ming-Tang simulated the Ya-shape earth for its plan .

  8. 宇宙为最高神的居所,明堂为人间祭祀最高神的场所,明堂与宇宙因最高神而联系在一起。

    Supreme god living in high sky connected the universe with Ming-Tang being the building for offering sacrifices to it .

  9. 乔纳森非常精于数字运算,对于研究数字他很有一手,能从数字里读出明堂来。

    Jonathan is very good at number crunching and he has a knack of delving into numbers to read between the lines .

  10. 围绕明堂展开和发生的一系列事件,不仅是当时历史的缩影,也从某种角度折射出武则天的种种心态,明堂对当时的政治、社会产生了重大而又微妙的影响,很值得分析和回味。

    It is of great significance to make an investigation into the great influence of Ming Tang on political society at that time .

  11. 他们显得无助、可怜,当他们从他们主公的明堂走出的那一天,如雨的箭矢向着他飞射。

    They looked poor and helpless , and the arrows were showered upon them on the day they came out from their master 's hall .

  12. 和平在他们的额上放光,当他们整队走回他们主公的明堂的那一天,他们把他们生命的果实留在后面了。

    peace was on their foreheads , and they had left the fruits of their life behind them on the day they marched back again to their master 's hall .

  13. 当战士们整队走回他们主公的明堂里的时候,他们的武力藏在哪里呢?他们放下了刀剑和弓矢;

    When the warriors marched back again to their master 's hall where did they hide their power ? They had dropped the sword and dropped the bow and the arrow ;

  14. 明堂作为重要的礼制建筑,汉代以前平面为亚形,源自于上古时代天圆地亚形的宇宙观。

    Ming-Tang , as an important Li-institution building , had a Ya-shape plan before Han dynasty , which originated from the universe mode of round sky with Ya-shape earth in ancient times .

  15. 自我作古用适于事&武则天标新立异的洛阳明堂老板叫他在公司建立起以前要按常规行事,不要标新立异。

    Luoyang Mingtang Imperial Ritual Hall Unconventionally Built by Wu Zetian ; His employer told him to keep to the beaten track and not use any new ideas until the company became established .

  16. 有孔庙(各地文庙)、孟庙、颜庙、明堂和辟雍等。另一类为文教建筑,主要是受儒家思想影响而形成的书院建筑。

    Including Confucius Temple ( Wenmiao ), Meng Temple , Yan Temple and Ming hall , etc. The other one is cultural and educational buildings , which are built by the influence of Confucianism .

  17. 祀孔建筑着重以孔庙各地义庙和明堂辟雍的建筑形制作为探索研究的对象;书院建筑主要从其建筑形制利艺术形象角度度进行探索研究。

    The worship buildings use the Kong Temple , the Temple of Literature and the hall circlet as the object of exploration and research . The College buildings focus on architectural form and the artistic image .

  18. 依据遗址的位置和出土文物,结合历史文献资料,确定其为北魏平城明堂遗址。

    The paper argues that the site discovered was proved to be the site of Mingtang ( the Hall of Light ) in Northern Wei Dynasty according to its location , the documents and the historical relics .