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  • Xuchang
许昌 [xǔ chāng]
  • [Xuchang (Hsuchang)] 中国中东部,河南省北部的城市,京广铁路经过此市,为烟草集散地,工业有卷烟、机械等,有霸陵桥、春秋楼等古迹

  1. 基于GIS的许昌市烤烟种植区土壤肥力适宜性评价与系统实现

    Comprehensive Evaluation System of Soil Fertility Suitability in Xuchang Tobacco Planting Regions Based on GIS

  2. 基于Web的ERP采购管理系统的设计与实现&许昌富思特烟机配件有限公司案例

    Design and Realization of the Web-based ERP Purchase Management System & Xuchang Tobacco Machinery Parts Co. , Ltd. Fuster Case

  3. 许昌旅游发展的SWOT分析及对策研究

    SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of Tourism Development in Xuchang City

  4. 其中洛阳和许昌烟区的多糖提取物含有微量的C1元素。

    Xuchang and Luoyang , which the tobacco polysaccharides containing extracts of the trace element Cl.

  5. 本论文以许昌县城市电网发展规划的原始数据和城市建设发展规划图为依据,对基于GIS和蚁群算法的配电网网架优化方法进行了研究。

    On the basis of the primary data about the distribution network development planning and the city map of construct and development of Xuchang county , the distribution network planning method based on GIS and Ant Colony Algorithm is studied .

  6. 本文选取与土壤肥力密切相关的7个因素,建立综合评价指标体系,运用GIS和SPSS技术,对许昌市主要农业土壤肥力进行综合评价.针对评价结果,提出土壤合理利用的建议

    This paper chooses 7 factors to establish a system of comprehensive evaluation in order to evaluate the agricultural soil fertility in Xuchang based on the technique of GIS and SPSS Some proposals are put forward for the utilization of these soils

  7. 介绍了ERP技术的管理理念思想,分析了ERP在烟机企业的应用状况,探讨了ERP在许昌烟机公司应用所存在的问题及发展方向。

    This article describes the management mind of ERP technology and analyses the application status of in Xuchang Tobacco Machinery Co , . Ltd , then emphatically discusses the existing problems and the development direction by applying ERP in Xuchang Tobacco Machinery Co , . Ltd.

  8. 分析了45年来许昌晚霜冻的气候特点,用灰色灾变的预测方法,对许昌晚霜冻出现的时间进行了分析,建立了GM(1,1)模型,得到了满意的结果。

    This article analyzes the 45-year weather condition on the severe late frosts in Xuchang district . By means of grey catastrophic forecasting , it analyzes the time of severe late frosts and sets up GM ( 1,1 ) pattern and has a satisfactory result .

  9. 通过一例对许昌继电器厂PMH-114型中阻抗母线差动保护的故障排除,分析该装置母联切换回路的动作原理,提出正确的故障查找、分析方法。

    This article by clearing the break-down of the relay , analyses the acting principle of the Subsection breaker of the PMH-114 middle impedance bus current differential relay made in Xu-chang Relay Factory and also suggests reasonable break-down searching and analysing methods .

  10. 许昌学院东区校园景观环境规划设计

    The Landscape Environment Planning of the East Campus of Xuchang College

  11. 看板管理在许昌电机公司的应用研究看板管理在企业的应用

    Kanban Management Research of Xuchang Electric Company Kanban Administration in Corporations

  12. 另一方面许昌市城镇化水平相对较低。

    However , the urbanization level of Xuchang is relatively low .

  13. 气候因素变化对许昌烟区的影响及适应性分析

    Influence of Climate Factorial Change on Xuchang Tobacco-growing Areas and Feasibility Analysis

  14. 许昌市中水回用及效益探析

    The Reusing of the Middle Water and Analysis of Mileage in Xuchang

  15. 许昌晚霜冻灰色预测及对策

    Grey Forecasting and Countermeasure on Severe Late Frosts of Xuchang

  16. 基于比值维波谱映射的许昌市城市变迁分析

    Urban Change Analysis of Xuchang Based on Ratio of Spatial Spectral Mapping

  17. 许昌市发制品行业污染防治措施调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on preventing measure of wig industry pollution in Xuchang

  18. 许昌市环境空气质量变化趋势及规律分析

    Analysis of change trend and law of ambient air quality in Xuchang City

  19. 节水灌溉技术在许昌花卉基地的应用

    Application of Water Saving Irrigation Technology in the Flower Base of Xuchang City

  20. 许昌卷烟厂帝豪牌卷烟促销组合策略研究

    Research on Promotion Mix of " Dihao " Cigarette in Xuchang Cigarette Factory

  21. 许昌地区全新世以来的新构造运动研究

    Study on Holocene New Tectonic Movement in Xuchang District

  22. 许昌市污水处理工艺初探

    A Primary Probe into the Arts and Crafts on Disposing Sewages in Xuchang

  23. 许昌灵井遗址2005年出土石制品的初步研究。

    A primary study on the stone artifacts of Lingjing site excavated in2005 .

  24. 谈许昌市污水资源化问题

    On the Reuse of Sewage of Xuchang City

  25. 在许昌县选取了90台小型拖拉机作为试验研究对象。

    Ninety small tractors are taken as an object of study in Xuchang County .

  26. 许昌汉魏画像砖、石的特点及艺术价值

    Characteristic Features and Artistic Value of the Han Pictorial Bricks and Stones from Xuchang

  27. 许昌学院数学科学学院;

    School of Mathematics Science , Xuchang University ;

  28. 感谢许昌这座城市。

    Thank you to the city of Xuchang .

  29. 基于中原文化旅游圈的许昌旅游空间优化

    Optimization of Tourism Spatial of Xuchang City based on " Zhongyuan Cultural Tourism Circle "

  30. 许昌市旋毛虫病流行病学调查

    Epidemiological investigation of trichinosis in Xuchang City