
Government officials who knew the mayor was in trouble spoke no evil .
The competition power of Shenzhen won 't weaken
Mr Xu says 682 factory closures alone have claimed 50000 jobs this year in Shenzhen .
The mayor of Shenzhen yesterday bemoaned the fact that the southern boom town was plagued with traffic jams and pollution .
Mr Xu went missing at least three days before his detention was confirmed by a brief dispatch from the official Xinhua news agency .
" Closures happen even without a financial crisis , " he adds . " Many of the companies closed because they had poor management . "
When the mayor of Shenzhen , the commercial city bordering Hong Kong , was sacked in June for alleged corruption , much about the case was familiar .
Mr Wang also hedged his call for greater media and public scrutiny of official corruption with a warning to those who have linked Mr Xu 's detention to other cases .
His comments came a day after the mayor of Shenzhen , China 's largest export centre , said factory closures had claimed 50,000 jobs in the city so far this year after 682 factories closed or stopped production .
Mr Xu also noted that he had assumed leadership of a weekly economic analysis meeting , normally chaired by a vice-mayor , in an effort to cut red tape , lower taxes and reduce administrative fees for companies operating in the city .
Mr Xu , who also noted that closures happen even without a financial crisis , did not provide comparative figures for factory closures and worker lay-offs last year . But he did promise to help workers and exporters navigate the current crisis .