
  1. 在本月早些时候的记者招待会上,有关王荣前任的问题占到了一半以上的时间。

    Questions about his predecessor consumed more than half of Wang Rong 's session earlier this month .

  2. 深圳官员非常希望告别这场丑闻,对于有关该案的问题占据了王荣新闻吹风会的大量时间,他们明显表现出不快。

    Shenzhen officials are keen to put the scandal behind them , and their annoyance was evident as questions about it dominated Mr Wang 's press briefing .

  3. 后来网上看了看,王荣也确实提过要学习、‘叫板’新加坡,这对深圳今后与新加坡加强联系、借鉴学习新加坡经验,肯定都会有很大的帮助。

    His advocate of learning and challenging Singapore will certainly help strengthen the ties between Shenzhen and Singapore and also will help Shenzhen to learn from Singapore 's experience .

  4. 王荣拒绝提供有关深圳丑闻的更多细节,但他确认,此次打击腐败的行动确实是由北京的中央政府推动的。

    Mr Wang declined to provide any additional details about the Shenzhen scandal , but did confirm that the crackdown was being driven by the central government in Beijing .

  5. 王荣一方面呼吁媒体和公众加大对官员腐败的监督力度,另一方面也发出了一个警告。他的警告针对那些把许宗衡被羁押与其它案件联系起来的人。

    Mr Wang also hedged his call for greater media and public scrutiny of official corruption with a warning to those who have linked Mr Xu 's detention to other cases .

  6. 深圳代市长王荣在上月就任以来的首次外国媒体吹风会上表示,他希望能有更多来自媒体和社会各界的监督。

    " I hope there will be more oversight from the media and from all walks of life , " Wang Rong , acting mayor of Shenzhen , said in his first briefing with foreign media since his appointment last month .