
  • 网络licensing
  1. 在这一点上,手续在作用上即类似于比较许可证发放的裁断

    In this respect , the proceeding was functionally similar to a comparative licensing adjudication .

  2. 在接头中,流线没有固定图形。国外宽带固定无线接入许可证发放现状

    In a junction , there is no fixed pattern of streamlines . Broadband FWA Licensing Status in the World

  3. 国外宽带固定无线接入许可证发放现状

    Broadband FWA Licensing Status in the World

  4. 可以放宽职业许可证发放规则,给没有接受正规教育的人创造机会。

    Occupational licensure rules could be relaxed to create opportunities for people without formal education .

  5. 特别是在线专家评审和许可证发放管理,对电子政务的应用范围进行了有益的探索。

    The system has a great potential for broader application to various permit managements and online specialist censoring system .

  6. 精明的许可证发放条款应保证这一标准不被像切蛋糕似的分成碎块,保证公司仍有钱可赚。

    Clever licensing terms are supposed to ensure that this standard does not splinter and that the firm still makes money .

  7. 一位官员列举了政府将撤出的一些领域,比如会滋生腐败的牌照和许可证发放流程。

    One official describes areas from which the government would withdraw , such as the granting of licences and permits , which fuel corruption .

  8. 服务器端是数字版权管理系统中实施管理行为的主要部分,主要完成文件加密、用户注册、许可证发放、认证等功能。

    The server-side of digital rights management system implements the main part of system management , include file encryption , user management , licensing , and certification .

  9. 本文从非国家机关工作人员刘某与国家机关工作人员张某相互勾结,违反建房许可证发放程序,骗取国家拆迁补偿款28万元的案件入手,引出所要讨论的问题。

    This article from the non state staff Liu and Zhang national staff collusion , in violation of the building the licensing process , state compensation , 280000 case proceed with , lead to discuss the problem .

  10. 建筑许可证的发放是很谨慎的。

    Planning permission is handed out sparingly .

  11. 浅析3G许可证的发放方式

    Analysis of 3G Licensing Methods

  12. 对于我国3G许可证的发放,建议采用评选或招标的发放程序,合理评估频率资源的使用成本,这样将更有利于信息通信业的发展。

    This article suggests choosing through public appraisal or initiating public bidding on the issue of 3G license in order to conduct a rational evaluation on the use cost of frequency resources .

  13. 并且许多国家过高的估算了他们的排放,因此太多的许可证被发放。

    And many countries over-estimated their emissions , so too many permits were issued .

  14. 比如,可以通过许可证的发放将船闸通行限定在指定时间内,而且许可证也可以在拖船船长之间进行交易。

    For example , permits could be issued to travel through locks at specified times , and those permits could be traded among towboat captains .

  15. 配额的分配和进口许可证的发放将通过一个简单和透明的程序,以保证配额的充分使用。

    The allocation of quotas and issuance of import licences would go through a simple and transparent procedure , so as to ensure the full utilization of quota .

  16. 135.关于进口许可证的发放和管理,中国代表表示,许可证审批需2至3个工作日。

    135 . Concerning the granting and administration of import licences , the representative of China said that the examination and approval of the licence took two to three working days .

  17. 本课题为水污染物总量分配方法提供了一条新的思路,对污染物总量分配技术的研究具有一定的参考价值,为区域污染物总量控制和排污许可证的发放工作提供了科学依据。

    And that provides scientific theory gist of total waste load control and putting out of the emission license , and shows some reference value on consummating the pollutant gross allocation technique .

  18. 而在网络产品市场,市场规模、产品替代程度、网络强度、市场集中度以及研发效率在决定在位企业最优许可策略的选择以及许可证数的发放上起关键作用。

    In network product market , market size , degree of product substitution , network strength , market concentration and R & D efficiency play a key role in decision on both choices of the optimal licensing strategy of incumbent firms and number of licenses .

  19. 一般而言,对技术许可契约的设计主要包括许可机制以及许可证发放数。

    In general , designs of technology licensing contracts include licensing mechanism and number of licenses mainly .