
  1. 混合像元无论直接归属到哪一种典型地物,都是错误的,因为它至少不完全属于这种典型地物。

    Mixed pixels either directly attributable to a typical surface features is wrong , since it at least not entirely belong to such a typical object .

  2. 该现金流出应当是可直接归属于或者可通过合理和一致的基础分配到资产中的现金流出。

    The outflow of cash shall be the outflow cash that is directly attributable to , or that may be distributed to the asset on reasonable and consistent basis .

  3. 个人星盘中拥有大十字的人拥有自我保护的力量,自恃甚高而难以找到直接的归属感。

    People with a Grand Cross in the natal horoscope have protection , but too high to conjecture a direct attribution .

  4. 非控制性权益又称少数股东权益,是指不直接也不间接归属于母公司的子公司权益。

    Non-controlling interests , which is also known as minority interests , is not directly or indirectly attributable to the parent company of subsidiary rights .