
By calculating air conditioning instant cold load in summer design day of the identical library construction presumptively located in several representative cities , its correspondent result is therefore obtained about cold load instantaneous coefficient and cold load index .
The empirical research shows that : intraday liquidity increases with the time ;
Applied Analysis on the Model of Global Solar Radiation and Hourly Solar Radiation
In this model , considered the building cooling 、 heating and power load on the basis of the typical day and equipment conditions such as the performance characteristics . The conclusion that research objective about capacity allocation of gas turbine is obtained .
The coldest day hourly temperature , the hottest hourly temperature , the annual indoor temperature distribution , the annual energy consumption and other indicators of the simulation results are being comparative analyzed .
The daily heat load and hourly heating load of building of Qingdao in heating season is conducted with the usage of DeST-H energy consumption simulation software . The typical day hourly value of solar radiation of Qingdao is calculated based on the solar radiation law .