
  • 网络Direct transition
  1. 从直接过渡到苏联模式的缘由及启示

    Reason and Enlightenment from " Direct Transition " to Soviet Model

  2. 由“直接过渡”到“迂回过渡”;

    To shift from direct transition to indirect transition ;

  3. 这样你就能够从学校直接过渡到职场。

    So that you actually can move from school to work .

  4. 马曜先生的民族研究:以直接过渡理论为中心的分析

    Ma Yao 's Ethnic Studies : An Analysis from the Perspective of " Direct Transition "

  5. 下分层直接过渡到上分层开采工艺研究

    Study on the directly transiting technology from the under slice mining face to the upper one

  6. 对云南边疆少数民族向社会主义直接过渡的评价

    Comment on Directly Taking the Socialist Road of the Minority Nationalities in the Border Areas in Yunnan

  7. 另一方面为俄国提供从资本主义向社会主义直接过渡的途径。

    Another aspect is the approach that Russia provides to " direct transition of socialism " from capitalism .

  8. 对资本主义怀着厌恶和恐惧,企图通过被理想化的农村公社,绕过资本主义,直接过渡到社会主义。

    Disgusting with Capitalism , they keened on the direct tran-sition from Feudalism to Socialism by ideal rural commune .

  9. 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制、封建领主制、封建地主制,并直接过渡到社会主义社会。

    The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship , patrilineal clanship , feudal laird system , and socialist society .

  10. 路桥过渡段差异沉降对搭板性能的影响由直接过渡到迂回过渡;

    The Influence of Slab Performance on Differential Settlement of Bridge-approach to shift from direct transition to indirect transition ;

  11. 景颇族是中国云南省八个直接过渡民族之一。

    The Jingpo ethnic minority is one of the eight " direct transition nationalities " in Yunnan Province , China .

  12. 管道运输通过迂回管道输送(如装入管内的液体)由直接过渡到迂回过渡;

    To channel ( piped liquid , for example ) through a bypass . to shift from direct transition to indirect transition ;

  13. 改变了以往从基础实习直接过渡到毕业实习的模式,使得学生更加适应企业的环境和要求。

    This method changes the attachment directly from the base model of the transition to graduate practice , making the students better adapt business environment and requirements .

  14. 美国没有经过封建社会这一阶段,它是由原始社会与奴隶社会直接过渡到资本主义社会。

    The United States has not been in this phase of the feudal society , it is the primitive society from slave society with a direct transition to a capitalist society .

  15. 作为一个科班出身的贸易经济学家,辛格曾反复警告称,印度不可能跨越经济发展的制造业阶段,从一个农业社会直接过渡以服务业和知识为基础的社会。

    A trade economist by training , Mr Singh has repeatedly warned that India will not be able to go from being an agrarian society directly to becoming services and knowledge-based , skipping a manufacturing stage of economic development .

  16. 十月革命前列宁认识到俄国生产力不发达,以农民为主体,不能直接过渡到社会主义,这是新经济政策理论形成的思想基础。

    Before the October Revolution , Lenin realized that Russia could not directly transformed into Socialism because of less developed productive forces and peasants as the body of the population , which was the ideological basis of theory of the New Economic Policy .

  17. 研究表明,我国旅行社分工体系目前已经不能适应国情的发展,但由水平直接过渡到垂直分工体系存在障碍,故提出适合我国国情的分工体系模式。

    The investigation indicates : the dividing system in our country at present has maladjusted the development of our country condition , but transition to plumb system has obstacle , so we should put forward new dividing system suiting the situation of our country .

  18. 普拉爱斯和韦弗的理论方法对于三维和二维问题,必须分别独立地建立,而本文所建立的源场区分的基本公式,对于二维问题同样适用,可由此直接过渡到二维场的结果;

    The methods of Price [ 2 ] and Weaver [ 5 ] relating to the three and two dimen-sional problems should be established independently , while the fundamental formulae presented here are also valid for two dimensional field and would therefore directly lead to the two dimensional case .

  19. 新中国成立以后,在景颇社会存在了近一百年的山官制度被彻底废除,景颇地区从奴隶半奴隶社会直接过渡到了社会主义社会,景颇人民真正实现了当家作主。

    After the founding of new China . Hill Officer system which existed in Jingpo society nearly a hundred years was complete abolished . The Jingpo area transformed from the slave and half slave society to a socialist society directly , and people in Jingpo area mastered the country truly .

  20. 通过分析金属铜的能量最优路径与晶格振动之间的关系,提出了固体-液体之间的相变机理,以及直接导出过渡金属的熔化温度Tm静力学方法。

    By analyzing the relationship between the energy optimization path and lattice vibration of Cu , this paper presents the phase transition mechanism as per the nature of solid-liquid phase and introduces the static method to derive the melting temperature of transition metals .

  21. 使一个同一的内容还停留在〔对立的〕关系中的那些空虚的抽象〔观念〕,都在直接的过渡里扬弃其自身:一方过渡到对方。

    The empty abstractions , by means of which the one identical content perforce continues in the two correlatives , suspend themselves in the immediate transition , the one into the other .

  22. 该文研究了多面体的边端点附近的情形,给出了直接计算边过渡曲面NURBS控制点的算法,避免了复杂的求交、分类和裁剪;

    This paper studies the situation around the vertex of an edge and presents the algorithm to calculate the NURBS control net of the edge rounding and avoid the complicated intersection , clarification and trimming .

  23. JSF可以直接从原始视图过渡到进行响应的阶段。

    From an initial view , JSF advances directly to the render response phase .

  24. 短路液桥爆断前几百微秒内所积聚的能量,直接影响着短路过渡CO2焊飞溅水平的大小。

    The energy accumulated within hundreds of microseconds before the rupturing time point of the short circuit liquid bridge influences directly the spatter level in CO 2 short circuit transfer welding .

  25. 有关内存(RAM)的概念是新显示器将使各种设计师免除许多昂贵费时的中间环节,直接从计算机图像过渡到最终产品形象。

    RAM 'S idea is that the new monitor will allow designers of all sorts to go straight from computer image to final product , eliminating many costly and time-consuming middle stages .

  26. 同时,引入辅助的索引结构,实现对象叶结点直接操作及信息过渡,并对实时树及历史树的插入、更新和查询算法进行了相应的改进。

    A secondary index structure was used to achieve information transition , and improve the algorithm of insert , update and query of the index .