
  • 网络The Viceroy of Zhili
  1. 自同治九年(1870)天津教案后李鸿章担任直隶总督兼北洋大臣开始,淮系势力的基地逐渐转移到北洋。

    When Li Hongzhang held the post of the Governor of Zhili and the Minister of Beiyang after Tianjin Religion Case in1870 , Huai Group began to transfer its own power to Beiyang slowly .

  2. 它地处畿辅首善之区,始建于雍正十一年(1733),为清廷重臣直隶总督直接掌握,长期作为直隶文化、教育的中心。

    It was under direct control of the Zhili viceroy , an influential position in the Qing court and had been regarded for a long time as the cultural and educational center of Zhili Area .