
  • 网络Emperor Wu;emperor wudi
  1. 试析北周武帝释放奴婢的原因

    The Cause of Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty Releasing Slaves

  2. 公元前139年,汉武帝继位。

    In 139 B. C. , Emperor Wu Di succeeded to the throne .

  3. 汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术。

    Emperor wu ( 156-87 bc ) of the Han Dynasty proscribed all non-Confucian schools of thought and declared Confucianism the state ideology .

  4. 后来,汉武帝即位。

    Later , he succeeds to the throne as emperor wudi .

  5. 北魏在太武帝时,基本统一了北方。

    It was unified the north at the Emperor Tai Wu .

  6. 但是对于子女,武帝的亲情则显得黯淡了许多。

    But to his children , his affection appeared more dimly .

  7. 汉武帝财政决策与瓠子河决治理

    Han-Wu-Emperor 's Financial Decision-making and Governance of that Huzi River Burst

  8. 他完美地回答了武帝提出的问题。

    He did an excellent job in answering questions raised by Wudi .

  9. 汉武帝与经学的产生

    The Coming into Being of the Study of Confucian Classics and Han Wu-di

  10. 汉武帝当然听得出这是发牢骚。

    Of course , Emperor Wudi could see that Ji An was complaining .

  11. 光武帝的奉献为国家增添了更多的英明决策。

    Emperor Guangwu 's dedication led to the implementation of many wise policies .

  12. 光武帝刘秀登基后战争仍不断发生。

    War continued after Liu Xiu , Emperor Guangwu , claimed the throne .

  13. 汉武帝时期的垄断官营经济政策

    Government Monopoly of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty

  14. 萧衍是为梁武帝,共在位48年。

    He was called Emperor Wu of Liang and his court existed 48 years .

  15. 与汉武帝的关系微妙复杂。

    3rd , and Martial emperor of Han dynasty 's subtle relationship is complex .

  16. 论汉武帝的盐业政策

    On the Salt Policy of Han Wu Di

  17. 这其中既有客观原因,也有晋武帝的主观原因。

    Among these are objective reasons , but also Emperor Wu of the subjective reasons .

  18. 汉武帝封禅与司马谈之死

    Emperor Wu Di 's Worship of the Heaven and Earth and Sima Tan 's Death

  19. 晋武帝统一了全国。

    In this way , Emperor Wudi of the Jin Dynasty unified the whole country .

  20. 盐铁会议对汉武帝内外统治政策的批判。

    Part ii , the animadversion to Hanwu emperor 's regnant policy at Salt-iron conference .

  21. 试论汉武帝时期的盐铁专卖与商品经济

    On Salt - Iron Monopolization and Commercial Economy during the Period of Han Wu Di

  22. 中期为晋武帝太康九年至晋惠帝太安二年。

    For the middle of Jin Dynasty Taikang nine years to two years free of petn .

  23. 汉武帝实行罢黜百家、独尊儒术政策后,儒家思想逐渐成为社会主导思想。

    After Emperor Wu , Confucianism obtained an increasingly leading position among the various social ideologies .

  24. 汉武帝元光二年(公元前133年)以前,基本上实行与匈奴“和亲”的政策;

    133 BC ago , the Western Han Dynasty carried out the policy of allied marriage .

  25. 汉武帝扩张主义的政策在使帝国变得更加强大的同时却耗尽了国库。

    Emperor Wudi 's expansionist policies strengthened the empire , nevertheless they drained the imperial treasury .

  26. 我们应从历史发展的角度给予汉武帝一个公允的评价。

    Historians should give a balanced assessment of this great emperor in term of historical development .

  27. 北魏太武帝与周武帝灭佛之异同论北周武帝废佛的作用和意义

    On the Role and Significance of Emperor Zhou Wu 's Abolishing Buddhism in the Northern Dynasties

  28. 自光武帝建国起共传14帝,经历196年。

    Since its foundation by Emperor Guangwu , the empire lasted 196 years over fourteen generations .

  29. 汲黯是西汉武帝时代人,以刚直正义、敢讲真话而受人尊重。

    He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth .

  30. 汉武帝登基时,汉朝经济力量非常强大。

    When Emperor Wu came to the throne , the Han Dynasty was financially very strong .