
qì xuè bù zú
  • insufficiency of vital energy and blood
  1. 主治肾精亏虚,气血不足所致的少精子症。

    Indications Kidney essence deficiency , blood deficiency caused by oligospermia .

  2. 唾液蛋白与脾肾两虚、气血不足的关系

    Relation between salivary protein and dificiency of spleen-kidney and qi-blood

  3. 结论从临床观察证实了弱视的病机是肝肾精亏、脾胃虚弱、气血不足。

    Conclusion It is proved that the pathogeny of amblyopia is insufficiency of liver and kidney , weakness of the spleen and stomach and deficiency of Qi and blood .

  4. 两组患者治疗期间均未出现不良反应。结论:养血散寒颗粒能够明显改善糖尿病周围神经病变(气血不足、寒湿痹阻型)患者临床症状。

    All patients in the two groups did not found adverse reaction during treatment . Conclusion : Yangxuesanhankeli can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy ( deficiency of Qi and blood , cold-dampness blockage type ) .

  5. 惊悸病因,一为风邪致病,一为虚劳所致。孙思邈《千金方》延续巢氏病源学术观点,认为惊悸病病因病机为风邪所伤,气血不足,其病位主要在心。

    Sun Ssu " Qian Jin Fang " continuation of the academic point of view of the nested source of the disease , fright disease etiology and pathogenesis for Feng Xie injured by lack of blood , the disease mainly in mind .

  6. 产妇产后缺乳多因身体虚弱、气血生化之源不足,或肝郁气滞所致。

    Lack of lactation in the postpartum period in most cases is caused by physical weakness , anemia , stress , or emotional instability .