
qì xìnɡ huài jū
  • gas gangrene;gaseous gangrene
  1. 25例地震伤致气性坏疽伤员的救治与管理体会

    Therapeutic and Management of 25 Cases Gas Gangrene in Earthquake Injury

  2. 高压氧综合治疗气性坏疽60例

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Combined Therapy for Gas Gangrene in 60 Cases

  3. 下肢严重开放伤并发气性坏疽的原因分析

    Analysis of cause for gas gangrene complicating severe open leg injury

  4. 高压氧治疗地震伤员气性坏疽的护理

    Nursing of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for gas gangrene patients in earthquake

  5. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒合并下肢气性坏疽一例

    One case of diabetic mellitus complicated with lower limbs mephitic gangrene

  6. 开放性创伤并发气性坏疽危险因素分析及预防

    Risk Factors on Gas Gangrene after Open Trauma and Countermeasures

  7. 结果第一例痔疮术后并发症气性坏疽;

    Result : the first post-operation produced the gangrene of gas evolution ;

  8. 地震伤并发气性坏疽18例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of earthquake injury combined with gas gangrene

  9. 胎膜早破并发气性坏疽1例

    Premature rupture of fetal membrane complicated by gas gangrene : A case report

  10. 3例气性坏疽病人的护理体会

    Nursing experience for 3 patients with gas gangrene

  11. 多价气性坏疽抗毒素百日咳杆菌去内毒素及保护性抗原的纯化

    Studies on the removal of endotoxin and purification of protective antigens of Bordetella pertussis

  12. 讨论战伤气性坏疽关键在于早期发现、早期诊断和治疗;

    Conclusion The key to treat gas gangrene exists in early discoveries , early diagnosis and treatment .

  13. 结果本组创伤患者发生气性坏疽11例,发病率为0.10%。

    Results Among the 10 881 wounded patients , 11 patients developed gaseous gangrene , taking up 0.10 % .

  14. 结论科学管理与治疗得当是控制疑似气性坏疽患者医院感染的良好途径。

    Conclusion Correct management and appropriate treatment are effective ways for controlling hospital cross infection to the skeptical gas gangrene patients .

  15. 目的探讨早期伤口分泌物涂片检查对创伤性气性坏疽早期诊断的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of smear examination of wound secretion in early diagnosis and treatment of gaseous gangrene after trauma .

  16. 坏疽性脓皮病患者溃疡伤口的整体干预地震伤并发气性坏疽18例临床护理体会

    Nursing care for a patient with leg ulcer complicated to pyoderma gangrenosum Clinical understanding of 18 traumatized patients complicated with gas gangrene in earthquake

  17. 虽然一期缝合和二期缝合伤口的感染率相同,但被梭状芽孢杆菌感染的伤口一期闭合后有可能发生气性坏疽。

    Een though the infection rates associated with primary and secondary closure are the same , gas gangrene may occur after primary closure of wounds contaminated with clostridial organisms .

  18. α毒素是A型产气荚膜梭菌(ClostridiumperfringenstypeA,CPA)引起气性坏疽的最主要致死因素,也是重要的生物毒素战剂,目前尚无有效的防治方法。

    Alpha-toxin of Clostridium perfringens type A ( CPA ) is the major factor leading to the disease of gas gangrene and one of the most important biological toxins .

  19. 产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridiumperfringens)是广泛存在自然界的一种常见的条件性致病菌,能够引起动物产生坏死性肠炎、肠毒血症等,同时也是导致人类食物中毒和创伤性气性坏疽的主要病原菌之一。

    Clostridium perfringens is a conditional pathogens residing in the nature widely that can cause necrotizing enterocolitis , intestinal toxemia and so on to animals , is also the cause of food poisoning and traumatic gas gangrene to human .