
  1. 飞机的螺旋桨在快速旋转时,要离得远一些。

    Stay away when the plane 's propellers are spinning .

  2. 致命中微子Q.一个人要离超新星多近才能受到致命剂量的中微子辐射?

    LETHAL NEUTRINOS Q. How close would you have to be to asupernova to get a lethal dose of neutrino radiation ?

  3. 我们要离源头再近些。

    We have got to be getting close to the source .

  4. 你粉碎我的心,如今却要离我而去。

    You 've broken my heart and now you leave me .

  5. 这表明船要离港了。

    That means the liner is about to leave the port .

  6. 妈妈,爸爸,为什么你们要离我而去?

    Mommie , Daddy , why did you have to leave me ?

  7. 我跟你说过要离这个女人远点。

    I told you to stay away from this woman .

  8. 这些都是给你的。我要离城了。

    You can have those , I 'm leaving town .

  9. 野兽们都知道要离公园远一点。

    Wildlife knows to stay away from the public park .

  10. 她曾一再扬言要离他而去。

    She had threatened time after time to leave him .

  11. 为何我所爱之物都要离我而去

    Why do all the things I love go away ?

  12. 我不知,她为何要离我而去。

    Why she had to go I don 't know .

  13. 我可要离它远远的;

    I don 't like to be near it ;

  14. 左拉这次真的要离我而去了。

    Zora gonna leave me for real this time .

  15. 你要离我远点。

    You got to learn to leave me alone .

  16. 我一直在看市里的房子,要离海滩近的。

    I have been looking at some new townhouses close to the beach .

  17. 我没告诉你要离我的女朋友远点么?

    Didn 't l tell you to keep your distance from my girl ?

  18. 为什么我要离你远一点?

    Why would I ever stay away from you ?

  19. 哦,就为这儿你要离我而起?

    O wilt thou therefore rise from me ?

  20. 快速球变慢了,后浪推前浪,棒球世界就要离他而去?

    Fastball slowing , kids rushing , and the baseball world passing him by ?

  21. 请原谅我这么唠叨,但是要离消费者远点。

    Forgive me for stating the obvious , but stay away from the end-user .

  22. 我不想离婚,都是我丈夫要离。

    I don 't want to . it 's all my husband 's idea .

  23. 为什么我鞭打的东西最终都要离我而去呢?

    Why does everything I whip Ieave me ?

  24. 她希望公寓离公交站很近,也要离杂货店很近。

    She wants an apartment near a bus stop , and near a grocery store .

  25. 我还以为你就要离桌去吻他的屁股了。

    I half expected you to get up from the table and kiss his arse .

  26. 他们让我们跳舞要离近点。

    They made us dance really close .

  27. 一定要离那边远远的!

    You must stay away from there .

  28. 如果你是认为庞克摇滚主题将很快就要离我们而去的话,再想想。

    If you think the punk-rock theme is going away anytime soon , think again .

  29. 生活中总有些人有些事注定了要离我们而去。

    In our daily life there are always someone and something destined to leave you .

  30. 汤米:那是因为比起您来,我要离地面近多了。

    TOMMY : Well , I 'm a lot closer to the ground then you are .