
  1. 诗仙李白是唐代最著名的诗人,是盛唐文化孕育出来的天才。

    Li Bai , the God of poetry , is the most famous poet in Tang Dynasty and a genius gestated by prosperous Tang culture .

  2. 整个唐代诗人数以千计,诗仙李白、诗圣杜甫以及白居易等都是其中的佼佼者。

    In Tang Dynasty as a whole , the poets numbered thousands , among which Li Bai the Poetry Immortal , Du Fu the Poetry Sage and Bai Juyi were outstanding ones .

  3. 再到后来“共醉菊花杯”的山水田园诗,盛唐时期“无酒不成诗”的诗仙李白,以及“酒壮军威”的边塞诗,将诗酒文化推向高峰。

    Then later ," were drunk Chrysanthemum Cup " pastoral poetry , Tang Dynasty ," no wine not a poem " Shixian Li Bai , and the " wine strong military might ," the Frontier , the drinking culture to new heights .

  4. 于是,本论文以诗仙李白、诗圣杜甫的诗歌作品及其众多译本为研究对象,依据莫里斯的意义理论,从指示意义、言内意义和语用意义三个方面来对比分析唐诗中押韵汉字的翻译。

    , together with the multiple English versions of their poems . According to the meaning theory by Charles W. Morris , the translation of the rhyming-characters in Tang Poems is analyzed from the following three aspects : referential meaning , intralingual meaning , and pragmatic meaning .

  5. “诗仙”李白,现已成为一种文化现象而被众多的学者所关注。

    The " Immortal Poet " Li Bai , a cultural phenomenon , has been paid close attention to by many scholars for the abundant cultural connotations in his poetry .